Chapter 51

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Hi everyone it's been a while since I updated this story, I was really struggling for inspiration which is why it's taken me so long to update. I will try to start updating this story more but it is a little hard when you still have writers block and lack of inspiration but I am trying. Anyway I hope you'll like this chapter, enjoy.

One month later......

No one's pov

A month had passed and Kol and Davina and their children were still in New Orleans as Davina and the kids were loving living there so much that Kol ended up buying the house he rented out so they could stay there.

Freya was still with them she had recently started dating a werewolf named Keelin. Kol and Freya had developed a bit of a bond through magic and such, Kol knew she would do anything for family and he respected that. Freya really wanted to see their other siblings but Kol didn't want Klaus knowing where they were as he didn't trust him with Davina or his kids and freya respected that and didn't push the matter.

Rosie was now 2 months old and she was such a happy chirpy little baby and her parents and siblings absolutely adored her. Freya thought she was a little sweetheart with a gentle soul.

Kol's pov

"Daddy where's mommy?" Kylan asks poking his head in the living room where I'm sat with Rosie "she went out with your aunt Freya. She'll be back shortly" I explain as cradle Rosie in my arms, she's sleeping and I probably should put her in the bassinet but I like holding her in my arms. She's my baby girl and she seems content in my arms, she's similar to how Elvira was as a baby except she's a lot quieter and more gentle. Elvira just loved to talk to you, she was a sweetheart she still is a little sweetheart except with a bit of a sassy attitude. Yep my oldest daughter has started being a little more sassy lately and it's expected after all she's a Mikaelson and she's my daughter plus her mother is very sassy as is her maternal grandfather.

"Daddy I need mommy" Elvira says as she walks in the room "what for princess?" I ask "my pink princess dress is ripped and I can't wear it" she explains with a sad expression on her face. "Well I can sow it for you" I say "mommy does it better" she retorts and there's the sass I was talking about.

"Alright well why don't you put the dress on mine and mommy's bed and she'll fix it for you when she gets back with your aunt" I suggest and she sighs in an overly sassy tone "okay" she says "Elvira please lesson the attitude, I can always sow it for you but if you want mommy to do it you'll have to wait for her to get home" I say "I'm sorry daddy" she apologises making me smile as there's the sweetheart in her returning. 

"it's okay princess, I love you" I say "I love you too daddy" she replies running up and hopping up on the couch and giving me a little kiss on the cheek. "Aww thank you princess" I say as she jumps off the couch and runs off.

"Daddy I want mommy cuddles" Kylan says reappearing in the room "you'll have to wait for her to get back but I can give you some daddy cuddles until she gets here" I offer "okay daddy" he replies with a bright smile on his face as he runs up and climbs up on the couch.

"Just let me put your sister down yeah?" I say as I get up and I gently place her in the bassinet before turning to the couch. He shuffles up to me and cuddles against my side "you in a cuddly mood bud?" I ask "yes daddy" he replies and I just smile, usually it's Elvira who gets in a cuddly mood. Kylan most of the time just wants to have fun and cause havoc around the house which is fun because he ropes me in on his antics and I love doing that with him as it's my special bonding time with him.

"Is everything okay bud?" I ask "yes daddy, I just wanna cuddle" he replies "okay that's fine" I respond wrapping my arm around his little body.

Meanwhile......with Davina and Freya

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