Chapter 57

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Hey everyone, I know it's been a while, I was struggling for some time with this story however I'm trying to overcome that because I want to finish this story. Anyway onto the story.

Location... New Orleans

No one's pov

It was late at night as Elijah Mikaelson casually walked up to the cemetery, clearing his throat as he walked in, not needing an invite after a little help from Freya, who had spelled the cufflinks on his suit to allow him to enter the cemetery without seeking permission from the witches.

Elijah was here for business, to warn off the witches of whatever diabolic plan they had in mind for Hayley and his brother. He would not allow his brother to be manipulated nor would he allow them to use Hayley for their own selfish gain.

"Elijah, what are you doing here? Who let you in?" Sabine asked stunned as she appeared and saw the older Mikaelson, just casually walking through the cemetery.

Elijah stopped, raising an eyebrow and smiled "why, I let myself in" he answered before making his way to her and she took a step back. "You can't just let yourself in. You have to be invited in and you haven't been invited in" Sabine stated shaking her head and Elijah smirked. "I found a loophole as you would say" he replied "what do you want?" she questioned trying to remain neutral and calm.

"I'm here to speak with the witches, all of you" Elijah explained he didn't want to waste time or have to repeat himself so he wanted all the witches present to head his warning and he knew very well, they were all at the cemetery which was why he was there now.

Sabine sighed, knowing he wouldn't leave until he got what he wanted so she nodded her head "follow me" she stated turning on her heal "I appreciate your cooperation" Elijah replied with a smile as he followed her, not seeing Sabine roll her eyes.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Agnes demanded as she saw Elijah walk in after Sabine "he wishes to speak to us" Sabine explained as she stepped to the side. 

"We have nothing to say to him" Bastiana replied with distaste laced in her tone "he is not welcome here, he should leave" Agnes hissed glaring at Elijah who just remained unphased at the two witches. 

"I don't care what you want. I'm here to give a warning and one warning alone" Elijah spoke in a firm tone as a serious look set on his face. "Leave Hayley Marshall alone, she is not for you to use or manipulate against my brother and I advise you to think twice about trying to manipulate my brother because it will not end well for any of you" Elijah warned "if you ignore my warning and continue trying to go after Hayley and plotting against my brother then I will not hesitate to send heads rolling and I'd rather not get my hands dirty" he added with a certain tone in his voice that sent chills up the witches spine.

"You do not get to tell us what to do" Agnes replied rather boldly "no but I can when it concerns my brother and the woman who carries my niece or nephew" Elijah retorted narrowing his eyes at Agnes. "We'll leave her if you hand over the women who interfered" Jane-Anne spoke up making Elijah turn to her.

"You mean the women who saved Hayley from your manipulative clutches? You must be quite stupid if you think I'd repay those women by handing them to you, speaking of witch those women are off limits and under my families protection so if you try anything against them also, I will have no choice but to kill you" Elijah warned sternly eyeing all the witches.

"We need something to deal with Marcel. How are we to deal with him with nothing up our sleeves?" one witch pondered "I fail to see how that's my problem. Now I hope you all heed my warning and leave Hayley alone and leave any plans to manipulate my brother or try to harm the women who saved Hayley from you lot. I don't want to have to come back here and demonstrate what happens when people don't listen to me" Elijah warned giving them all one last look before vamp speeding away.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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