Chapter 45

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Hi everyone, sorry about the lack of updates, I've been meaning to update but I've kept getting sidetracked. Anyway, here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

One month later....

Kol's pov

"Daddy are we there yet?" Elvira asks from the back "almost princess" I respond glancing at her through the rearview. "I'm hungry mommy" Kylan says "I know baby but we're not far from New Orleans now. We'll stop somewhere to eat" Davina replies "okay mommy" Kylan replies "Freya how's Rosie back there?" I ask my sister who is sat in the back with the kids. I bought a six seater family car and Davina with the use of her magic made it so there were four seats behind us instead of three so Freya could sit with the kids. "She's sleeping" Freya replies making me smile as I look at my one and a half month old baby. 

So we're currently on our way to New Orleans after leaving Norway. We're only passing through New Orleans and will be staying there a few days before heading somewhere else and finding a new place to live as we still haven't heard anything from Asgard meaning we aren't able to return anytime soon. Davina's brother Sleipnir went back to Asgard two weeks as Odin requested for him to return. The twins were sad to see their uncle go but they know they'll see him again soon. Speaking of the twins, they turned 4 three weeks ago. My babies are 4 years old now, they're growing so fast and it makes me feel a bit emotional and I know Davina feels the same. 

I look at Davina as she turns the radio on making music play through the car. The twins start bobbing their heads along to the music before doing some sort of head dip as they start dancing in their car seats making us laugh. Freya takes it upon herself to film them though, she likes to capture the twins doing funny things on camera. Davina thinks it's great and has also taken to filming the twins whenever they do something cute, sweet or funny. She does it with Rosie too even though she's only a month old. 

Davina starts bobbing her head along to the music before humming along to the music making me smile to myself as I focus on the road.



"We're here" I announce as I drive past the welcome to New Orleans sign making me tighten my grip on the steering wheel "yay!" the twins cheer clapping their hands while wide awake Rosie coos making Freya laugh and coo back at her. Davina places her hand over mine "calm down dear, you're tensing up" she says rubbing my knuckle with her thumb making me smile back at her. "I'm fine love, just a little uneasy. The last time I was here well I don't have the best memory but that doesn't mean we won't have a good time here" I respond moving my hand to her thigh. "We'll be okay, nothing can hurt us" she assured me "I know love but that doesn't mean people won't try" I respond only to earn a displeased look from her. "I know you worry a lot about your brothers and stuff but please try not to let it stop us from having a good time. I don't want to hear any more negativity come from your mouth" she replies "you're right, I'm sorry. Forgive me" I reply "always" she replies leaning forward to kiss my cheek making me smile as I drive further into New Orleans. This trip should be interesting.....

End of chapter

What did you think? They've left Norway and are now in New Orleans. Whatever will happen do you think? Stay tuned for more

Please do bear with me, I'm having a bit of writer's block with this story but I swear I will update when I can. Thanks for your patience.

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