Chapter 14

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Continuing from previous chapter

Later that night.......

Kol's pov

Davina had just left my chambers to go and see her mother. I was just looking through a book that Frigga had given to me after dinner. I have learned some of Asgard's language through Davina but there's still somethings I have trouble understanding but I'll get there. Luckily the book Frigga gave me has been translated into English so it's easy for me to read, apparently it's a guide to living in Asgard but it contains some other stuff in it. I sit on my bed and read a page in the book, it's about rules of conduct and how to behave in Asgard. I'm not one to follow rules but that was back on Earth when I was being bossed around by my siblings. This is Asgard, this is a place most people think is not real, this is the place where Gods and Goddesses live and it's the place where Davina was born. This is her home and I'd be a fool to screw it up, I don't want to offend anyone here and end up being sent back to Earth and kept apart from Davina. Coming here is a fresh start, I don't have to worry about enemies of my family coming after me and trying to hurt Davina to get back at me, nobody knows me well they've heard of me obviously but I haven't caused harm to anyone here, I'm not hated for who I am here well not yet at least and I don't want to ruin that. I don't have to worry about my siblings finding me and daggering me for running away. My siblings can never get here because they don't know this place exists and even if they did, they wouldn't be allowed here as Davina explained Odin doesn't like people from Midgard coming here and only Asgardian's can use the bi-frost, I was allowed through it because of Davina and her mother and because I had permission. My siblings would need permission to be allowed here and I don't think Odin would allow that simply because of who my brother is and what he's like. Asgard wouldn't be safe if Klaus came here, I have no doubt he'd harm everyone here and try to take the throne which he probably wouldn't succeed in doing since this place is filled with Gods and Goddesses. Davina also mentioned to me that Odin would never allow something into Asgard if he thought it would pose a threat to Asgard and my brother would most likely be one of those potential that he would like to keep out. 

I was just about to turn the page in the book when I suddenly felt something enter the room. I saw a green haze from the corner of my eye "you like to read?" Loki's voice asks from behind me. I freeze 'oh crap' I thought I knew I was going to see him at one point as he wants to speak to me but I was rather hoping that it would be much later and that I would be prepared. "Yes. It's good to have a read of things to expand your knowledge" I respond as I close the book and place it on the nightstand before standing up and turning to face him. "I couldn't agree more. If you're keen to read and learn, then perhaps you'll enjoy the literature in Asgard's library. It has every type of literature from all of the nine realms including Midgard" he replies "yes Davina mentioned that there was a library here" I respond he nods "does my daughter tell you a lot about Asgard?" he asks "yes, we've been learning from one another the last two years" I respond "interesting and what is you two were learning from each other?" he asks "I was teaching her about magic on Earth. I know every type of magic on earth and she wanted to learn and practice the magic so I helped her and in return she taught me all about Asgardian and Vanaheim magic and the life here in Asgard" I explain he nods and clasps his hands together behind his back. "You wield magic?" he asks "no unfortunately but I used too" I respond there's no point in lying to him, he'll probably see right through my lies anyway, he is the God of lies after all. "Why is that? Why don't you wield magic?" he questions "it's personal" I respond "very well. Does my daughter know?" he asks "yes, she knows everything about me. There isn't one thing I've kept from her" I respond "oh I believe you. If I'm coming across as nosy I apologize but I just want to get an idea of who you are. I don't want my daughter to get hurt" he replies "no need to apologize, it's understandable. A father would be cautious and suspicious of any man that was courting their daughter" I respond "it's more than that. Davina is my youngest child, she's not like her siblings, She's special and she's sensitive at heart. People tend to take advantage of her kind heart and I don't want to see you do that to her" he responds I instantly shake my head "I would never. I love her" I respond he nods "I believe you, I could see it in your eyes earlier when you sat at the dinner table with Davina. I just wanted to check for myself" he responds "that's understandable" I respond "I'm not making you nervous am I? I have a habit of doing that and I promised my wife and Davina that I would go easy on you when I questioned you. Davina thinks I'll freak you out for some reason" he says "I'm not nervous. I just feel like I'm about to shit myself. I've never done this before, I've never met a girls parents or gone with them to their home. I'm new to all of this" I explain he chuckles slightly. "Not use to being so open and surrounded by family members who weren't your own?" he questions "something like that yes" I respond "I can relate. I am not the most open person in the world, it took me ages to open up to Rona when we first met. Hell she was the one who made the first move, she was sick and tired of me running off whenever I saw her. I was always use to just seducing women and just be done with it, that was as far as I went when getting close to someone because no matter where I was or who I was with, I just never felt like I belonged" he explains I suddenly feel slightly better but weirded out at the same time as it feels like I'm talking to myself. "Not even with your own family?" I ask he narrows his eyes at me slightly "it's complicated. I only feel like I belong when I'm with my wife and children" he responds "I get that. I feel like I belong when I'm with Davina. I never felt like I belonged anywhere before not even with my own siblings" I say he frowns. "You have siblings?" he asks "I do, I have four siblings. I originally had six but two of them died" I respond "do you have a complicated relationship with your siblings?" he asks "mostly my brothers. We never see eye to eye, there's a lot of messed up drama between me and my siblings" I respond "well I'm going to tell you something and I want you to remember it. Whatever drama you had with your siblings, it seems you've broken away from that and that is good because you're finally living for yourself and it is not selfish of you. I would be worried if you were still in contact with your siblings because I'd be concerned that they would force you to leave my daughter and that would break her heart" he says "even if I was, I'd never leave Davina. She's my soul mate and you can't separate soul mates" I respond "that doesn't mean they wouldn't probably try. If your relationship is complicated like you said, if they knew you were happy and in love. Do you think they'd accept your happiness and your relationship with Davina? Do you think they would care?" he asks "probably not" I respond my sister Rebekah might be happy for me but the same can't be said for Elijah and Klaus. 

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