Chapter 48

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Here's a new chapter, sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I hope you enjoy it.

The next day...

Kol's pov

I wake up to Rosie quietly wingeing. Davina is stirring next to me, indicating she's waking up and I don't want to her to rush in waking up. "I'll get her love" I whisper to her, rubbing her back "okay" she mumbles the tiredly, I just smile and give her a kiss on the cheek before I get out of bed and walk over to the crib.

I peer into the crib and see Rosie moving around, kicking her legs and waving her little hands in the air, her eyes are glistening indicating she's about to cry. "Hey poppet, what's the matter? Why do I see tears in your eyes?" I coo making her look right at me and her bottom lip trembles. "Oh dear" I coo doing a little pout as I reach into the crib to pick her up.

"Shh, it's okay poppet daddy's here" I coo as I hold her against my chest, instantly crinkling my nose as a very unpleasant smell hits my nose. "Ah now I see why you're on the verge of tears. You need a diaper change" I coo kissing the top of her head as I head into the bathroom which is connected to the bedroom.

I flick the light on and Rosie instantly shuts her eyes, blinking them rapidly. "Sorry poppet was that too bright?" I coo feeling her sniffle against my chest.

I walk over to the baby changing mat and place her down. I quickly gather what I need before getting to work.

I start undressing Rosie, pulling up her inside followed by her vest then I come to her diaper. I quickly prepare a diaper bag so I can put the dirty diaper straight in.

I slowly undo the flaps at the side and peel the diaper away and I'm instantly hit by a unpleasant smell but I'm use to it obviously. I remember the first time I changed the twins diapers, that was a nightmare, I kept gagging and I swore I was gonna be sick, I kept pleading for a gas mask it was that bad. Davina found it funny and kept laughing but had to assist me in the end because I wasn't getting it done and the twins were getting restless.

I quickly remove the diaper, folding it up and putting it in the diaper bag before quickly wiping her bottom with a wet wipe. I then put the dirty wet wipe in the diaper bag before quickly putting on a clean diaper. I let out a laugh as a relieved smile appears on her face "is that better poppet" I coo tickling her belly making her giggle. "I would sure hope so" I coo as I keep tickling her belly and she lets out the most adorable squeal, kicking her little legs and waving her arms around, blowing little bubbles from her mouth.

"Come on let's get you dressed. Mommy will be waiting to feed you" I coo as I do up her vest before pulling her onesie down and doing up the little buttons. I chuckle as Rosie keeps wiggling "oi keep still you" I coo "ahh" she squeals as I gently tap her on the nose. 

I turn and grab the diaper bag and tie it up before tossing it in the bin. I quickly wash and dry my hands before picking her up and heading back into the bedroom where Davina is sat up in bed. "What were you two talking about in there?" she asks "oh we were just talking about typical daddy and daughter stuff" I respond as I walk over to the bed and gently hand Rosie to her. 

Davina pulls her top down and brings Rosie to her breast which she quickly latches onto and starts suckling away. I walk over to the wardrobe and start getting changed.

"I think the twins are up" I say hearing movement come from the twins room as I throw on a shirt "can you go see to them? I'll meet you downstairs" Davina says "of course love" I respond leaning over and giving her a kiss on the lips before vamp speeding away to see to the twins. 

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