Chapter 16

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it. Now it is the wedding chapter and I will warn you the wedding will be different than other weddings. It will be a Asgardian/Midguardian type ceremony.

13 days later.....1 day before the wedding

Kol's pov

I watch Davina with a fond smile as she interacts with a few children. Me and Davina are wondering through the villages in Asgard today following Odin's instructions. For the last few days we've gone from village to village meeting people. It's so the people of Asgard can get to meet the Princess and her husband to be aka me. Apparently it's a tradition for Asgardian royals to visit every village and meet the people when one is due to marry. So far the visits to the villages have been alright, the people I've encountered so far have been nice and rather accepting of me. The village we're currently visiting now is the last one and we had visited one of the army generals that live here along with two nobel men along with their families which was okay but it got awkward when one of the nobleman's daughters started flirting with me. The girl clearly didn't care that I'm engaged to Davina or that she was openly flirting with the Princess's fiancee which told me she was a bit of a strumpet. I ignored her advances and kept moving away from her whenever she came up to me, she even had the nerve to put a hand on my leg and I could've sworn I saw steam come from Davina's ears, she really didn't like the girl. The girl's father saw what she was doing and instantly berated her and banished her to her room for the rest of the evening. I instantly relaxed after that but Davina ignored me for a little bit until we left the nobleman's house. I knew she was upset by the ordeal so I had to let her know that she didn't have anything to worry about and that I only love her. So when the guards that were with us weren't looking, I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her until she relaxed and returned the kiss.  She started talking to me again after that and I made a mental note to always make her feel like she's the only girl in the world for me which she is but I need to show her that so she doesn't get upset when girls flirt with me because I don't want her to think that I like these girls that flirt with me, I don't want her thinking I'm going to run off with one of these girls which is something I'll never do, not to my soul mate, not to the love of my life. .

"Aw that is so pretty" Davina says as one of the little girls that she was interacting with handed her a little flower. "Just like you" the little girl says "aw why thank you sweetie. You're very pretty too" Davina replies tapping her on the nose making the little girl giggle "really?" the girl asks her big soft eyes widen slightly "oh yes. I think you're way more prettier than me" Davina says making the girl gasp and she squeals holding onto the other two girls that she's stood between. "No you're prettier" the girl retorts "are you arguing with me missy?" Davina asks playfully "no" the girl replies suddenly looking all shy. Davina laughs softly and strokes the little girl's cheek "don't go all shy on me now. Give me a smile" she says the little girl smiles "aw now that's a lovely smile. What about you girls? Are you gonna give me a smile?" she asks turning her attention to the other two girls who quickly smile making her giggle. "Now that's just perfect. You're all so pretty and very sweet. Your parents must be very happy and proud" she says glancing at the girls parents who were stood behind them, watching their daughters interact with Davina. "Oh we're very proud. They're our pride and joy" the mother replies as the three girls walk over to their parents as Davina gets back on her feet since she had been kneeling down. "I can only imagine. Children are the greatest gift a person could ever have" Davina replies "indeed they are. Are you and your fiance planning to have children after you're married?" the father asks making me freeze me and Davina haven't talked about the children issue because I've avoided the subject altogether. Davina has tried to bring it up but I always change the conversation because I can't give her children, my vamprisim prevents me from being able to reproduce and even if I were able too, I'm not sure I would want children, I couldn't possibly be a father, I'm not father material. "it's a discussion that we've yet to have but I presume it's somewhere up there" Davina replies with more of a hopeful smile than a genuine smile. "Alright people that's all for today. The Princess and her fiance must be heading back to the palace now" Thor says making his way through the little crowd. The village people bow to us before walking away and Thor leads us over to the guards and the three warriors who had accompanied us.

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