Chapter 13

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Davina's pov

I smile as I see Kol gaping at his surroundings "beautiful isn't it?" I ask as we enter the dome with my mother. "It's magnificent" he responds as we walk up to Heimdall "hello Heimdall, long time no see" I say to the man dressed in gold armour. Heimdall turns his head and flashes me a small smile "welcome back Princess. You've been greatly missed" he responds before turning to Kol. "Kol Mikaelson. Welcome to Asgard" he says Kol looks stunned "you know who I am?" he asks "of course I know who you are. I know and see all besides your name was mentioned a lot by the Queen and Rona here" Heimdall responds my mother flashes Kol a smile. "Your arrival has been expected by many. Word had been spread to the people that my daughter the Princess had found her soul mate. Those sort of things don't slip by people so easily" Mother explains just as there's a bright light at the other end of the dome and I smile as I see my grandmother walk through. "Grandmother!" I exclaim running over to her and throwing my arms around her making her laugh "oh my dear, I've missed you too" she says as she hugs me back "how've you been?" I ask as I pull away "I've been fine as always" she responds before turning to my mother and Kol who had walked over to us. Grandmother gasps at me "oh look at you. You're more handsome in person than you are through a mirror" she says making my eyes widen "grandmother have you and mother been using grandfather's mirror to spy on us?" I ask folding my arms across my chest "not always. We only used it occasionally to make sure you were safe and that all was well with you and your soul mate" grandmother replies "well we're perfectly fine" I respond smiling up at Kol as he takes my hand in his. "Good to know. Now come along dear there's people who want to see you and we must you get out of those Midgardian clothes and into something more Asgardian appropriate" grandmother replies as a horse carriage appears near the entrance of the dome. We all quickly get on it and the carriage starts moving across the rainbow bridge leading into Asgard.

Kol gasps as the main city of Asgard comes into view and you can see the palace perfectly since it's huge and it looks like those piano organs that a church would have. 

"Where abouts did you grow up again?" Kol asked "the palace" I respond pointing to the gold palace in front of us that just keeps getting bigger and bigger the closer we get to it

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"Where abouts did you grow up again?" Kol asked "the palace" I respond pointing to the gold palace in front of us that just keeps getting bigger and bigger the closer we get to it. "Wow, it's a very big palace" Kol comments "it's a lot bigger on the inside and it's very bright inside too because of my grandfathers love of the colour gold" I respond "this is where you'll be staying Kol" my mother says Kol's eyes widen "what? Really?" he asks looking around in awe "yes, you're courting the Princess of Asgard and you are her soul mate so you get instant permission and access to the palace" my mother explains "you get your own chamber too but you won't be sharing a chamber with Davina" my grandmother says making Kol frown "how come?" he asks "because it's frowned upon here in Asgard to share a chamber with someone unless you're married" I respond "oh I see, so no cuddle before bed?" he asks with a small pout on his face making me giggle and kiss the pout away making him smile. "I'm sure we can squeeze in a cuddle oh and I will warn you now we will have to cut back on PDA here. It's considered inappropriate to be affectionate in public especially during duties or battles of course but we're allowed to be affectionate within the palace walls when they're aren't any meetings going on or matters being attended too" I respond "okay that's understandable" he replies "just thought I'd tell you to save you having to hear it from my grandfather" I respond he nods and gives my hand a little squeeze as the carriage finally comes to a stop outside the palace. We all get off the carriage with my mother and grandmother getting some assistance in getting out while Kol helped me out of the carriage.

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