Chapter 54

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2 days later...

Rebekah's pov

Me and Klaus arrive in New Orleans after being summoned here by Elijah who insisted Klaus come here as he has something important to tell him so I tagged along since I didn't want to stick around in Mystic Falls on my own.

"I cannot believe this place survived when our father burned half the city to the ground" I say as we pull up at the planation house where Elijah is waiting for us. "The city looks no different than it did all those years ago but it feels different now let's find Elijah and see what all this fuss is about" he says as we head into the house to find Elijah talking with a dirty blonde haired woman by the stairs where a pretty brunette sits.

They stop talking and look our way "ah good you're here and I see you also tagged along dear sister" Elijah says turning his body to us as he gives us his full attention "well I couldn't let him come alone besides I couldn't stand being in that god forsaken town any longer" I respond making him nod.

"Who the bloody hell are you!?" Klaus snaps pointing to the dirty blonde haired woman who opens her mouth to speak "Niklaus lower your tone, this is Freya" Elijah explains "Freya who? I don't know her" Klaus replies "she's our sister" Elijah reveals making my eyes widen.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask "she's our sister" Elijah says and Klaus bursts out laughing "that's a good one Elijah" he chuckles not quite buying it "it's true, I'm your sister Freya" the woman speaks up "didn't we have a sister called Freya who died from the plague years before Nik, me, Kol and Henrik were even thought of?" I ask with my arms folded across my chest.

"Yes that is correct only our sister didn't die from the plague as we were led to believe. She was given away as a bargaining chip and this woman here is our older sister" Elijah explains "impossible" Klaus scoffs shaking his head "it's true, everything Elijah said is true. Our mother gave me away but that is not important right now..." Freya says but she's cut off by Klaus flipping his shit

"Not important, you stand there telling us you're our older sister who is suppose to be dead and you just want to change the subject!" Klaus rants "calm down Niklaus, whether you believe her or not that is all on you but I do happen to believe her now follow me into the living room and let's talk because there's something else we need to discuss and it's not about Freya" Elijah says and it's then that Klaus finally notices the brunette.

"What are you doing here?" he asks pointing at her and Elijah sighs "I believe you know Hayley" he says before gesturing for her to stand up and follow as we head into the living room and sit ourselves down.

Freya stays by the doorway "Elijah please explain to me why she is here?" he asks glancing at Hayley "you two slept together correct?" Elijah asks making Klaus frown "yes but what does that have to do with you or why she's here?" Klaus asks "she's here because she's carrying your child" Elijah explains making my eyes widen.

Klaus starts laughing "that's another good one, very funny but I'm not falling for that one. I can't procreate" he rants standing up "you're part werewolf, when you broke the curse and became a hybrid it somehow allowed you to procreate. Think of it as natures loophole" Elijah explains "he's telling the truth brother" Freya says only for Klaus to glare at her.

"Do not call me brother, Elijah may believe your trival but not me, I'm not convinced!" he snaps "Niklaus listen" Elijah says gesturing to Hayley and we all go silent as Klaus stares at Hayley's stomach, I listen carefully and hear a second heart beat coming from her.

I look at Klaus and I see it in his eyes he wants the baby but suddenly the look disappears as he glares at her "get rid of it" he demands making her eyes widen. "What? No" Hayley replies "well I don't want the thing so get rid of it!" he snaps "no I will not get rid of the baby because you don't want it but I do want the baby" Hayley responds standing up.

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