Chapter 29

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Here's a new chapter, things will start kicking off in the story, I'm just slowly building it up. Like I want you to feel the tension and unease and the calm before the storm hits. Anyway enough of that, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Six days later......

Location: Salvatore boarding house

No one's pov

At the Salvatore house, the mystic gang were all sat in the living room discussing Klaus. Elena was desperate to find Stefan and bring him home. Damon had been tracking Stefan's whereabouts but wasn't letting Elena know of this, knowing it would be a very stupid idea to just go out and find Stefan without a proper plan especially since he's with Klaus who thought Elena was dead.

Unfortunately Elena had soon found out Damon had been tracking Stefan and she was infuriated that he would keep the information from her. So now all the Mystic gang were at the boarding house discussing how to find Stefan and get him away from Klaus and also kill Klaus at the same time. "We need to go out there and find him Damon. Who knows what Klaus is doing to him" Elena said "well for starters he's having Stefan go all ripper on people" Damon retorted which didn't please Elena. "Klaus must be compelling him to do all those things" she said "I hate to break it to you but being a ripper is part of Stefan. It's who he becomes when he can no longer control himself or his hunger" Damon responds "what is a ripper anyway?" Jeremy asked "a ripper is what we call a vampire who can't control their blood lust and end up detaching body parts from the victims they feed on. They're very messy feeders" Damon explained "look that's not important right now. What's important is bringing Stefan home and then we can focus on helping him get back to himself" Elena responded. "It's too dangerous Elena. You need to lay low remember? Klaus thinks you're dead and it needs to stay that way in order to keep you safe" Bonnie spoke "I know, I just can't stand the thought of leaving Stefan with Klaus. I miss him Bon and I want him back" Elena said through tears "I know you do. Look we'll figure it out together okay? But for now just lay low and don't do anything stupid" Bonnie replied making Elena sigh as she sat down between Caroline and Jeremy. Her eyes suddenly widen as she thinks of something "what if we get someone that Klaus doesn't know to help us get Stefan back?" Elena suggests "depends on who it is" Alaric responded "there was this woman me and Caroline bumped into at the supermarket a few days ago. We think she may be a vampire" Elena explained making everyone look at her in question while Caroline just shook her head and groaned. "Who?" Bonnie asked "all we know is a name. Her name is Davina" Elena explained "Elena, we're not entirely sure if she is a vampire" Caroline said "she hasn't aged Care. You said it yourself and no matter how good skin moisturizer may be. No moisturizer in the world could make someone look the same way meaning it's obvious she's a vampire" Elena retorted "her heart beat didn't match that of a vampire heart beat. Her heart beat was normal and she had warm, fresh blood running through her veins" Caroline said "well if she isn't a vampire. Then maybe she's a witch. There are certain types of spells and herbs that witches use to slow down their aging" Bonnie said "well whether she's a vampire or a witch. She can definitely help" Elena responded "we are not dragging her into this Elena. She has children and a husband to think of. If she gets herself put on Klaus's raider then he could come after her family and no matter how much we want Stefan back. I am not willing to put someone else's life in jeopardy" Caroline said "you might not but I have no problem with it" Damon said "she's pregnant Damon. You can't bring an innocent pregnant woman into this. It's not fare on her or her family" Caroline responded "Caroline's right. We shouldn't even consider dragging anyone else into this especially if they have a family" Alaric said in agreement "but that doesn't change the fact she may be a vampire or a witch. She hasn't aged and there is definitely something suspicious going on with her" Elena retorted "sorry but if she was a vampire. She wouldn't have children nor would she be pregnant. Davina is nobody to be worried about, honestly. She lived here for two years and never did one thing wrong. All she did was work at Anita's bookstore and hang out with her boyfriend, she hardly interacted with anyone unless she was serving them at the store" Caroline said "how do you know all this?" Jeremy asked "I use to go to the book store all the time. Davina was always so kind to me. I actually once did my English homework there when my mother was working late and she helped me with my homework" Caroline explained making everyone nod while Bonnie had a frown on her face. "This Davina woman does she happen to have brown hair, blue eyes and be extremely pretty?" Bonnie questioned "yes, why?" Caroline asked in response "I remember my grams telling me something about her. Of course I didn't think much of it at the time but now after everything that's happened to us and discovering I'm a witch, I now reconsider everything she told me" Bonnie explained "what did she tell you?" Jeremy asked "it was after she came back from the bookstore and she told me how the employee was very sweet and polite but she mentioned feeling some vibe coming off her. You know like a witch sometimes gets off a person. I got a vibe off Stefan when I first touched him" Bonnie said "what was the vibe your grams got off her?" Damon asked "she said the vibe she got off Davina was unusually strange. Her vibe was very foreign and unknown to my grams at least that's what she felt" Bonnie said "so she could be a threat?" Elena asked making Bonnie instantly shakes her head. "No, my grams said she wasn't a threat at all. My grams said her witch senses told her not to insult or offend Davina. Apparently being around her made my grams magic go all haywire, for what reason she never knew" Bonnie responded making everyone frown. "That is weird I suppose but then again I'm not a witch so I don't get those weird witchy vibes you get" Damon retorted making Bonnie scoff and roll her eyes.

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