Chapter 56

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Hey everyone so here's a new chapter, I'm going to be finishing this story up but there's a good few chapters to go before that happens and I will make sure it ends on a happy note.

Kol's pov

"Elijah wishes to see Hayley and you Freya" I say as I enter the living room where my sister is with Davina and the kids "okay we'll go together" Freya replies glancing at Hayley who is playing with Elvira.

"Is Klaus going to be there?" Hayley questions making me shrug "Elijah didn't mention anything about him so I presume no but you never know. Don't worry though Freya will be with you" I say making her nod "right well let's go" Hayley says looking to Freya and the two get up and leave.

I sit down on the couch next to Davina and wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer and placing a kiss on her shoulder. I smile as I watch her feed Rosie and lean down to plant a small kiss on her forehead.

"You not going with them?" Davina asks looking at me "nope, Freya can look out for herself and Hayley. I wanted to take the time to be alone with my family something we haven't really had lately with everyone going on" I respond and she smiles "I miss having alone time with just us and the kids too" she says as she places her head on my shoulder and I smile leaning my head against hers.


No one's pov

Hayley and Freya arrive at the plantation house where Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus have been staying. They don't see Klaus or Rebekah's car about so they assume they're out somewhere making Hayley feel a little better.

"Come on, we won't stay long" Freya said to Hayley before they walked up to the door. Before one of them could knock the door opened and Elijah stood there "sister? Hayley?" he greeted bowing his head to them before stepping aside to let them in.

"Is Kol not with you?" Elijah asked with a frown "no he stayed back with his wife and children" Freya replied "I see" Elijah replied "why did you request him to come too?" Freya questioned "I did, I wanted to try and clear the air between us but I suppose he's not ready for that" Elijah replied "he's just cautious and you can't blame him. His siblings denied him happiness and practically rejected his wife and children" Freya replied defending Kol.

"We didn't deny him happiness nor did we reject Davina or those children. I certainly haven't" Elijah tried to argue "you haven't exactly done anything to make them think otherwise. You've just stood and tolerated Niklaus's toxic cry baby behaviour" Freya retorted and Elijah sighed.

"I do have my regrets but I hold nothing against Davina or the children. I'm happy for our brother and wish him the best" Elijah said and Freya hummed "perhaps you should show that" she replied she loved all her siblings and wanted them to be fair to one another and she didn't think Elijah had been fair. He was fair to Klaus and Rebekah it seemed but he didn't seem to be fair to Kol by the things she's heard.

"So is it just you here?" Hayley asked making the two look her way "currently yes. My brother left to go blow off some steam and my sister has gone to terrorize Marcel" he explains making Hayley sigh in relief.

"Why did you call us here?" Freya asked "I wanted to speak to the both of you" Elijah replied "okay so speak" Hayley replied "I wanted to know how you're doing?" he asked looking at Hayley. "I'm doing fine" she answered "good, I also wish to apologize for how my brother reacted towards you" Elijah apologized "no need to apologize for the actions of your brother besides Kol already apologized for it when he didn't need too" Hayley replied as she rubbed her stomach.

"I am working on Klaus, he will come round sooner or late because I know he wants this baby deep down, he's just not got his head right at the moment" Elijah explained "I don't need you making excuses for him" Hayley replied making Elijah shake his head "I'm not, I'm just trying to ensure he doesn't make a mistake that he'll regret. I want him to be happy and I truly believe this baby will bring him happiness and hopefully make him a better person as fatherhood has done for Kol" Elijah spoke sincerely, he wanted to fix his family but he knew he had to work on Klaus first before trying to work on Kol though that seemed like it was going to be a lot more difficult.

"Well try to get him in line preferably before the baby comes. I can't wait forever for him to pull his head out of his ass and decide he wants to be a dad" Hayley said and Elijah nodded in understanding "I understand" he replied before clearing his throat.

"Now has there been any more trouble with the witches? I know they tried to attack you in order to use you against Klaus" Elijah questioned "no, your brother, his wife and Freya constantly keep me hidden from the witches using a cloaking spell and a disguising spell. The witches don't know where I am so they can't bring me harm though I know they are still looking for me" Hayley replies "they won't lay a hand on you, I can assure you" Elijah promised her and Hayley faintly smiled.

"I have Kol, Freya and Davina in my corner, two of which are powerful entities so I know they won't even if they try" Hayley replied though she was touched by Elijah's promise that no witch will lay a hand on her. "We do need to deal with the witches though, make them stop looking" Freya spoke up "I will see to that" Elijah responded making his sister nod.

Meanwhile.....In the cemetery.

The main coven of the French quarter witches were gathered "how is it we still haven't found the werewolf? We need her so we can get Klaus Mikaelson in line" Agnes complained as she looked around at her fellow witches "we've been trying to find her Agnes but every locator spell we've used just blows up in our faces, they do not work" one witch answered "she's being hidden by a cloaking spell, probably by the women who interfered in a matter that did not concern them" Agnes replied with a scoff "we need to up the antics, find the wolf girl. We have no time to lose, Klaus Mikaelson is in town and we need to get him on our side, we need him to help us get rid of Marcel" Agnes said "and then what?" a witch asked "we can finally take back our place again and we destroy the Mikaelson's" Agnes answered "so we're getting Klaus to kill Marcel and then we're just gonna kill the Mikaelson's?" Sophie questioned with her arms folded.

"Yes" Agnes replied "but it's impossible, the Mikaelson's cannot be killed we know this already" Sophie replied "ahh but there is a way, there's always a way my dear and we will find it and destroy the Mikaelson's and the entire vampire race altogether. We will finally right the world again, power will be restored and nature will be at peace" Agnes replied and some of the witches smiled in response though some were wary of what she was saying.

"We would be committing genocide" Sophie interjected "we're talking about wiping out monsters from the world Sophie. It would be a kindness" Agnes replied and Jane-Anne pinched Sophie before she could say anything else "I will find the wolf girl no matter what even if it kills me. I will make our coven and the ancestors proud" Jane-Anne vowed and Sophie looked at her in shock but her sister ignored her.

"I trust that you will my dear" Agnes replied with a sinister smile before it faded as Sabine walked in "you're late" she sneered making the witch roll her eyes "sorry Agnes, I was keeping eye on Elijah Mikaelson" she replied "and do tell what is he up too?" Agnes asked "apparently Klaus knows about the wolf girl and hasn't reacted well to the news of his impending daddy hood so Elijah is trying to coax him into stepping up" Sabine explained as she leaned against the wall.

"If they know then the wolf girl must be with them. We must retrieve her" Agnes demanded "ah but the wolf girl isn't with them. I don't know where she is but she isn't staying with them" Sabine replied making Agnes frown and she looked to her fellow witches "ladies get to work. Try some dark spells to break through whatever cloaking spell has been placed on the wolf girl" she ordered clapping her hands.

"But Agnes dark magic is forbidden, the ancestors do not like us practicing it" one witch spoke "well the ancestors want results, they want Marcel gone and they want us to keep the wolf girl in our clutches so we shall do whatever is necessary to get results is that understood?" Agnes questioned "yes" she witches answered before disappearing.

Sophie walked out after all of them "Jane-Anne try get your sister in line, she's losing focus of what's right. We do not need her messing things up" Agnes said looking at the other Deveraux girl "I will Agnes" Jane-Anne replied before leaving.

End of chapter

What did you think? Elijah is working on getting Klaus to accept his unborn child. Witches are plotting to ruin everything as per usual. What will happen next?

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