Chapter 37 part 1

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Here's a new chapter and it's the ball but the chapter is being split in two parts so the moment you're all waiting for will probably feature in the next chapter. Enjoy xx

Three days later....Friday 4 pm

No one's pov

Over at the Mikaelson mansion, Elijah and Rebekah were sat in the living room when Klaus stormed into the room. "You went after Elena!" he boomed at Rebekah "sorry, couldn't help myself. That bitch had my necklace and I just don't like her" Rebekah retorted with a smirk "I order you to leave her alone. I need her alive to make my hybrids" Klaus said "you do not get to order me around Nik. I don't listen to you anymore, not after you daggered me and kept me from being with Stefan" Rebekah shot back "he was no good for you and look he's dating the doppelganger so I did you a favour and saved you from getting your heart broken" Klaus responded "you don't know that because I never had the chance to find out because of you and the only one who is breaking my heart around here is you!" Rebekah spat "I only do it because you're my little sister and I care about you. I only want what is best for you as I do for all of us" Klaus replied "you don't know what's best for me though Nik. You just assume you do but you don't" Rebekah replied "now, now children, please do not argue. We're suppose to be starting over, not squabbling with one another" Esther said as she entered the room with a very silent Finn behind her. "Sorry mother, Nik is just being a wanker" Rebekah retorted "now Rebekah that isn't a nice word for a lady to say. Mind your language and speak like a lady, not a foul mouthed teenager" Esther scolded "yes mother" Rebekah replied rolling her eyes. Esther clasped her hands in front of her "now I do hope you're all prepared for the ball tonight. This ball is to give us a good image and make amends with those Niklaus angered. We want the people of Mystic Falls to not fear us, we want them to welcome us. So I expect for you all to dress nicely and be on your best behaviour. I don't want to have this family made a fool out of because one of you has a little tantrum, so do not show me up" Esther said "don't you mean us?" Klaus asked "I am the one who birthed you all, remember so if any trouble happens tonight. The blame falls on me and I do not want the people of Mystic falls to think I have raised my children to be bad mannered and badly behaved. You all shall be nothing but polite, graceful and charming and if any of you act any other way, there will be consequences" Esther warned earning eye rolls from Rebekah and Klaus. "Yes mother" they responded while Finn remained quiet behind Esther. "There is another reason why I want you to be on your best behaviour tonight and it's not just to make a good impression on the people of Mystic falls" Esther spoke "what is the other reason?" Klaus asked "Kol is coming to the ball tonight" she replied making the three of them sit up straight "you know where he is?" Klaus asked "well I know he's in Mystic Falls. Finn here ran into him a few nights ago" Esther replied earning Finn a glare from his siblings. "And yet he didn't say anything to us" Rebekah said "I told him not to say a word until I got an invite out to Kol" Esther replied "I asked you to tell me if you ever came across Kol" Klaus said through gritted teeth as he glared at Finn "like I said, I told him to keep it to himself as I didn't want any of you to get your hopes up, knowing Kol can be a little bit fickle and unpredictable. You never know if he will show up" Esther said "so he's definitely coming to the ball?" Elijah asked slightly concerned knowing Kol had a secret family, at least that's what he now fully believed. He hadn't followed Kol around again after he stalked Davina and Kol, he decided to leave it alone since Kol seemed to be doing nothing wrong although he did innitially believe Kol had compelled Davina to think she was his wife and that he was the father of her children along with the unborn child growing in her belly. Elijah hoped Esther didn't know about Davina and the children, he dreaded to think what she would do to them, knowing his mother was up to no good. "I'd like to think so although he did decline when Finn gave him the invitation but I have full faith that he will change his mind and show up at the ball and then our family will be complete" Esther responded with a smile on her face but it wasn't genuine. "Well I can't wait to see him if he does" Rebekah replied happy about possibly being able to see her wily fox brother so she can hug him because she missed him and also so she can give him a slap for leaving the family and abandoning her. Rebekah was bitter Kol had successfully gotten away from Nik and his brutal treatment and control of him and somehow hid from him for 16 years. She only wished he had taken her with him, she sought to get away from Nik too, she just didn't have the courage to do so. "As do I. Now you should know Kol will not be coming alone, I have a good feeling he will be accompanied by someone" Esther replied "who?" Elijah asked fearing the answer "obviously whatever poor soul Kol compels to be his date to the ball" Klaus retorted earning a glare from Elijah. "Oh this date of his is more than that but we'll soon see for ourselves tonight. Now get off your bottoms and start getting ready. It's nearing quarter past 4 and we have a lot of work to do to prepare for this ball and you three need to get ready" Esther said Klaus and Rebekah groaned. "Why not compel some people to prepare for the ball?" Klaus asked "because we have arms and legs Niklaus and we are capable of doing things ourselves so do not be lazy. Now get up and get a move on" Esther replied before leaving the room with Finn on her trails. Klaus growled "so Kol's coming to the ball. I can finally confront him and punish him for leaving us" he said "mother said no drama, do not cause trouble with Kol. If you piss off Kol, you will piss off mother and it will be all on you not us" Rebekah responded standing up. "I suggest you do not try to aggravate our brother. I'm sure he had good reason to leave all those years" Elijah said making Klaus chuckle darkly "good reason? He abandoned us like the wimp he is. He just couldn't do as he was told so he left, thinking he could be free to do whatever he wanted well he can't. He is a Mikaelson and nobody turns their back on this family and leaves, no one" Klaus said "do you hear yourself? Acting like that is what makes people not like you. You are constantly pushing and controlling us, like the many times you've deprived me of love and happiness" Rebekah responded "you do have love and happiness" Klaus replied Rebekah gasped sarcastically "really? Do I? Where is that love and happiness you speak of? That you claim I have because I would really like to know" she snapped "our family is your love and happiness!" Klaus snapped Rebekah chuckled "oh you make me laugh Nik. There is no love in this family, there's nothing but manipulation, lies and betrayal. I do not have true love because of you and I have not experienced or found true happiness of my own making. You snuff all the happiness out of me with your brutal ways" Rebekah spat before vamp speeding out of the room. Klaus turned to Elijah who was being oddly silent "you're rather quiet brother. What's on your mind?" he asked "nothing, I just think you need to cool things down. I don't see why you feel the need to control us to try and keep us together? Controlling never helps, every time you dagger one of us it makes us resent you. I know you only want us to stay together but sometimes you push people too far just as you did with Kol which is why he left and you know it" Elijah responded Klaus rolled his eyes "he just hated me, that's why he left" Klaus said "he hated the way you treated him, the way we treated him" Elijah replied "we did not treat him unfairly. We way we handled him was nessecary, he was a lunatic Elijah, he went on killing sprees and massacared villages. He would've exposed us to Mikael and we couldn't have that. He was always trying to best me and he never did as he was told. We had to put him down because of his physcotic urges to kill everything and ruin everything I achieve for myself" Klaus responded "he didn't always massacare villages. I only remember him doing that on two accounts and he always tried to explain why he did those things. He only ruined things for you Niklaus because he never bowed down to you and wasn't afraid to stand up to you" Elijah replied "he was selfish and reckless and a coward. I only want to protect this family" Klaus said "Kol may have been reckless and selfish at times but we have been selfish and reckless too, so we cannot really judge him" Elijah replied "I was often selfish and unfair with Kol. I always sided with you and helped you put him down when instead I should've reasoned with both of you. The better way to handle things is to sit down and talk things out, I realize that now" Elijah responded "no, the dagger was the perfect punishment to unsure he would never betray us and so he would learn not to cross me" Klaus replied "no the dagger was your punishment and your way of controlling us" Elijah replied "why does it sound like you're trying to justify Kol abandoning us?" he asks "because I am. I believe you pushed Kol too far and he could no longer take your brutal ways anymore so he left. He may have left us but the truth is we've all had that desire to leave" Elijah responded "you all wanted to leave me. I've always known that" Klaus replied "because of your paranoia. You let your hunger and greed for control and your paranoia get the best of you and you took it out on all of us. We love you Niklaus but you have to admit to yourself, you have been unfair at times regardless of whether you think it was with the pure intention to protect us" Elijah responded patting his brother on the shoulder. "We are a family always and forever but we are broken beyond repair yet broken things can be fixed so I do believe we can fix our broken family. Maybe not today or tomorrow but it will happen someday" he said before leaving the room to go help with the prep for the ball. Klaus huffed and scowled as he paced the room. He began thinking of how Finn was the one who managed to find Kol yet he and his other siblings had failed to do so along with the many witches he had do a locator spell on Kol only for it fail. No locator spell on earth seemed to be able to track down Kol and he had his siblings search all over Mystic Falls for Kol. He even compelled a few humans to be on the look out but he didn't hear anything from them, he also paid visits to Katherine to see whether she had remembered anything about the day she encountered Kol and the boy that was apparently his son. He did ask around himself but he only got a vague answer of yes they had seen him but no they didn't know where he currently lived. Klaus huffed as he left the living room to go catch up with his siblings to help prep for the ball.

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