Chapter 20

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Warning chapter contains sexual content.

The next day.....

Davina's pov

Me and Kol woke up to the twins babbling through the baby monitor making us both chuckle. "They're so patient" I say as I sit myself up "usually babies cry when they wake up but not them they just talk to each other until we come for them" Kol responds our babies are so well behaved. They hardly cry and when they do they're rather quiet at least most of the time. Kylan and Elvira are always so happy and patient, they wake up but instead of screaming the roof off the place, they just sit and talk to each other and wait for me or Kol to come into the room to get them. They're the same if they wake during the night which doesn't happen as often now since they're getting older. The first few weeks of their life they woke up all the time during the night and they did cry a lot but that's stopped now. They only wake up around 2 am in the morning for a feed and a diaper change and that's it. They of course then wake up again around 7 am-8 am it depends on the day usually. When they wake up they just sit and talk to each other and wait for me and Kol to come for them which is very cute. The look on their faces whenever we enter the room is just adorable. 

"Come on let's go and get them ready we have a long day a head of us" I say as I get out of bed. So yesterday me and Kol sat down and planned out what we're going to do for the entire week we're here. We only got half the week planned as the twins woke up and wanted to play so planning was halted and we spent quality time with our babies. After we had play time with the twins, me and Kol decided to take them out for a walk round the park and we stopped at a cafe to get something to eat. We then came back and played with the twins a bit more. The twins love to play a lot, they could play for hours if it was up to them. Me and Kol then bathed the twins and got them ready for bed. We then sat down and watched a Disney film on the couch with the twins sat between us. Their eyes were clued to the screen throughout the whole film and my gosh the smiles and laughs that escaped their mouths whenever something happened in the film that they thought was funny. 

After we finished watching the film, I decided to play the piano and play some music for the twins. The twins absoutley loved it, they just kept silent and cuddled against Kol as they listened but the second I stopped playing they started clapping and babbling which brought a smile to my face while Kol just laughed and placed a kiss on their foreheads.  We put the twins to bed after that and Kol read them a bed time story. They love it when Kol reads them bed time stories and I love watching him read to them. Once they were asleep, we watched a movie downstairs and we made out a bit but we didn't go any further as I was a little tired plus we need a bit of protection since Kol can get me pregnant now and as much as we love the twins, we don't want another baby just yet. We want to wait a few years before having another baby and yes we actually have discussed this, it was actually something we discussed when the twins were a month old. We really love being parents and we want to expand our family but not right now. 

"You go and get the twins ready. I'll make breakfast" Kol says from in the walk in closet which my mother redesigned so it's not so girly and more neutral. "Okay" I respond as I walk out the room and head to the twins bedroom. I open the door "good morning my babies" I say as I enter the room earning a few babbles from them in response making me giggle as I walk over to the cribs. I peer over Kylan's crib and smile down at him "good morning baby boy" I coo as I pick him up before heading over to Elvira's crib. "Good morning princess" I coo as I peer over the crib with a smile before picking her up. I give them both a kiss on the cheek earning little smiles from them "come on my dears. Let's get you two ready" I say as I walk over to the changing table and I sit them both down. The changing table and mat are big enough to put them both on. I walk over to the wardrobe and pull out clothes and a pair of shoes for them each to wear. I then walk back over to them and place the clothes on the stool beside the changing table. I lie them both down and remove their pajamas. I toss their pajamas in the washing basket next to the changing table before removing their diapers and quickly putting them in a diaper bag. I then quickly clean them up and put a fresh diaper on them both before beginning to put their clothes on. For their outfits I picked out something suitable to wear during fall season. For Kylan I've picked out a Calvin Klein long sleeved grey sweatshirt and black jogger bottoms and white sneakers and for Elvira I picked out a cute two piece outfit which consists of a white long sleeved cotton top and a plaid skirt, I also picked out a pair of black tights and cute black shoes. Once I've got them both fully dressed I step back and look at them with a smile "you both look so adorable" I coo as I tickle their bellies making them giggle.

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