Chapter 43

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Here's another chapter, sorry it's been a while. I had a bit of writer's block and I've also been distracted by other things. Anyway I hope you like this chapter.

Two months later...

No one's pov

Two months had passed. Kol, Davina and the twins  were living in a nice big house in a nice village in Norway. All of Davina's siblings had gone back except for Sleipnir who still remained with the family of four.

Davina was now 8 months pregnant and was about ready to pop. She and Kol were expecting their baby to arrive in the next few days and she was restricted to bed rest as requested by Frigga who had made a visit less than two weeks ago. So Kol was tending to her 24 hours not that he minded. He loved taking care of her. Sleipnir helped with the twins when Kol was helping Davina bathe since she needed assistance when it came to bathing. Kylan and Elvira also tended to give their father a hand and help look after their mother as they wanted her to be comfortable. They'd also sneak into the room and cuddle up with her as she read them stories. Kol would sometimes join them when he wasn't cleaning up around the house or doing the washing.

As of right now, Davina was lying in bed with the twins sat on either side of her. Davina was braiding Elvira's hair while Kylan was for some reason painting his mothers toe nails since her feet were poking out of the covers and he wanted them to look colorful for her. "Mommy when is the baby gonna come?" Kylan asked "any day now" Davina replied "can't it come out now? The baby's taking forever to come" Elvira said making her mother laugh "the baby will come when it's ready and it hasn't been forever. It's only been 8 months" Davina said to her three year old daughter. "It feels so long mommy" Elvira claimed "trust me, I know sweetheart" Davina replied "done mommy" Kylan said proudly as he finished painting his mothers toenails. "Look mommy, I've finished" Kylan said pointing to her toes. Davina giggled and gave her son a soft smile "I'm sure they look great but I can't see them very well with your sibling in the way" Davina said as she rubbed her baby bump. "Oh" Kylan replied placing a finger on his lips before looking around the room and leaping off the bed. He grabbed a small mirror and ran back to the bed and jumped on it. He held it out near her feet allowing Davina to see her feet including her painted toe nails "oh, wow Kylan my toes look so colourful. Thank you baby" she said as she glance at her multi coloured painted toe nails through the mirror her son was holding "you're very welcome" Kylan replied placing the mirror down. "Okay, kids. I'm gonna need you to help me off the bed" Davina said feeling the urge to pee "daddy said to stay in bed mommy" Elvira said "I know but I need to pee sweetheart so help me up" Davina replied both twins hopped off the bed as Davina peeled the covers off herself. She slowly swung her legs to the side and both twins grabbed her hands, helping her stand up "thank you. Now help me get to the bathroom" Davina said frowning as she felt a slight discomfort in her abdomen but shrugged it off as a cramp after sitting in bed all day. 

Kylan and Elvira slowly escorted Davina to the bathroom which was next to her and Kol's bedroom. Davina gripped onto the doorway of the bathroom "okay, you two stay right here" she said as she entered the bathroom "okay" the twins replied turning and sitting down outside the bathroom. Davina smiled as she shut the door and slowly made her way to the toilet. She pulled up her dress and pushed her underwear down before sitting down. 

Once she did her business, she grabbed some toilet roll and wiped herself. She frowned as she saw blood on the toilet paper before looking at her underwear and seeing a small red spot. She cursed and began to panic as she tossed the toilet roll in the toilet and flushed. She quickly washed her cleans and dried them. "Kids" she called out as she gripped the sink "mommy?" Elvira answered "sweetheart, I need you and your brother to call daddy" Davina said "what for mommy?" Kylan asked through the door "it's important, please call him for me and tell him to come home" Davina responded as Kol had gone out with Sleipnir to do the weekly shopping which he had taken to doing since she had been put on bed rest. 

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