Chapter 49

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Hey everyone, I know its been a while since I updated, I've been meaning too but I got sidetracked by other things, anyway I hope you like it.

Warning contains sexual content....

The next day.....

Location- New Orleans.....

No one's pov

Davina entered the dining room holding baby Rosie "hi mommy" Kylan and Elvira chimed with chocolate on their faces from eating their chocolate chip pancakes that Kol made. Davina giggled "hi babies" she replied giving the twins a kiss on the forehead "hey where's my kiss?" Kol asked with a pout making Davina giggle. "Don't worry daddy I haven't forgotten about you" she replied walking over and giving him a kiss on the cheek making him frown "hey that's not a proper kiss. Come on pay up" Kol said pointing to his lips making her laugh as he puckered up his lips so she leaned up on her tip toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Now that's better" he said making her giggle as she shook her head at him before sitting down at the table with Rosie.

"So what are we doing today?" Freya asked "it depends on what the kids would like to do" Davina replied "kids what do you two want to do today?" Kol asked making the twins look up at him. "I want to play outside daddy" Kylan replied "okay and what about you El?" Kol asked "I wanna play princesses" Elvira replied "okay so it looks like we'll be staying in today. Daddy will play outside with you Ky and me and Freya will play princesses with you El" Davina said "yay" the twins cheered clapping their hands making their parents and aunt Freya laugh.

"So buddy what do you want to do outside?" Kol asked as he began wiping chocolate off Kylan's face "sports" Kylan replied "okay what sport do you want to play?" Kol asked "baseball" Kylan replied making a huge grin to appear on Kol's face as he liked baseball. "Okay, we can play some baseball. I'll need to set up for it first though alright and you need to put on something appropriate for playing sports" Kol replied "okay daddy. Mommy can you help me?" Kylan asked "Kylan your mommy's just about to feed Rosie so why don't I help you?" Freya suggested "no it's okay, Rosie doesn't need feeding for another 15 minutes so I can help him get changed" Davina replied standing up "are you sure?" Freya asked "yeah, I'm sure. Could you watch Rosie for me while I tend to Kylan?" Davina asked "of course" Freya replied and Davina gently handed Rosie to Freya. Rosie squirmed and began to winge at first sensing she was no longer in her mother's arm "it's okay baby. I'm right here, I'm just going to help your brother so your aunt Freya's going to watch you for me" Davina cooed stroking Rosie's head making her relax instantly at her touch.

Davina moved away and took Kylan's hand "come on sweetie, let's get you into some sports wear" she said as she escorted Kylan out of the kitchen and Rosie began to cry sensing her mother left so Freya began to gently rock her in an attempt to sooth her.

"Don't take offence to it. Rosie's just really attached to her mother" Kol said walking over and taking Rosie from his sister and Rosie instantly calmed down. "Hey poppet why you crying? Your mommy will be right back" he cooed kissing her forehead before handing her back to Freya and Rosie started crying again. "What's the matter with her? Does she not like me?" Freya panicked "of course she does. She just wants her mother right now" Kol replied "seems like she's a bit of a mommy's girl" Freya said "yeah, I think so" Kol replied with a chuckle. 

"Okay come on baby girl, your mommy will be right back just don't cry on me okay" Freya cooed Rosie looked at her father "calm down poppet" Kol cooed kissing her forehead making her let out a tiny gleeful shriek making him laugh. "Daddy" Elvira spoke tugging at his shirts "yes princess?" Kol asked looking down at his eldest daughter "what's wrong with Rosie?" Elvira asked "nothing, she just wants mommy" Kol replied "okay, well does Rosie wanna play princesses with me?" Elvira asked "sweetheart she's a bit too young to play princesses" Kol said "aw but I want her to play with me" Elvira whined "I know you do and you can play with her, it's just she can't sit up or crawl yet so she can't really play the way you want her too, alright" Kol explained "okay, can I at least dress her in a pretty pink princess dress?" Elvira asked giving him poppy dog eyes making him laugh "of course you can but mommy will have to dress her" Kol replied "that's okay daddy, I can help mommy dress her" Elvira replied before skipping out of the dining room making Kol chuckle and shake his head.

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