Chapter 21

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Here's a brand new chapter, I hope you like it

Four days later.....Saturday

Kol's pov

It's 12 pm on a Saturday and me and Davina are taking the twins out to the family fun day event. Over the course of the last few days we went to the other events that had gone on in Mystic Falls and the twins have loved every single one of them. Davina is currently upstairs getting the twins ready as there's a fancy dress competition at the family fun day event and Davina thought it would be cute if we dressed them up. She later went out and bought costumes for them both and didn't let me see them as she wants them to be a surprise. While she's upstairs getting the twins ready I'm downstairs cleaning up in the kitchen as Kylan decided it would be a great idea to toss his breakfast on the floor. He thought it was hilarious but Davina not so much, I tried to remain serious but I couldn't help but laugh. It's hard not to laugh when your son does something silly and finds it funny. Kylan seems to find amusement in everything, he never really gets bored because of it which I suppose is a good thing but it's not a good thing when he laughs at the most inappropriate times. We were out at Mystic Grill the other day and there was a guy that was really drunk and he fell flat on his face which made Kylan laugh. Now if I was still how I use to be before Davina came into my life, I would've laughed and probably mocked the guy but when you have children that little bit of immaturity tends to cease slightly. Don't get me wrong I can still be pretty immature, I just have to be careful when I do act immature as I don't want to set a bad example to the twins. 

I sigh in relief as I finally finish cleaning up in the kitchen. I put the cleaning supplies away and I wipe down the sides before making my way to the stairs "Davina the kitchen's all clean. How's it going up there?" I ask calling up the stairs "we're alright, we'll be down in a minute. Could you get the car ready?" she responds "sure darling" I respond vamp speeding back to the kitchen to grab the car keys. I then vamp speed to the front door and unlock it and open it. I vamp speed outside to the car and I quickly unlock it. I check that the car seats are in securely and that the car is clean before getting in the front and starting up the ignition. Once on I drive the car to he front of the pathway so there's a little bit of a walk from the front door to the car but it's not a big deal. I stop the car and turn off the ignition before getting out and vamp speeding back into the house. "The car is ready love. Is there anything else?" I ask "have you put the pram in the trunk?" she asks "yes love I did that last night" I respond "have you packed up the baby bag? Clean diapers,? diaper rash cream? wet wipes? milk bottles? Bibs? and Baby biscuits?" she asks "yes everything's all packed in the baby bag" I respond vamp speeding to the living room where I placed the baby bag. I grab the baby bag and sling it over my shoulder before vamp speeding out the room "alright could you come up here? I'm gonna need a hand" she says "I'm on my way" I respond vamp speeding up the stairs, to our bedroom where she's getting the twins ready. I arrive at our bedroom and knock before pushing the door open and I swear my heart melts as I see the twins sat on our bed wearing their autumn coats Davina brought. "Well what do we have here?" I ask scanning the room for Davina as she's nowhere to be seen but I know she's near because she wouldn't just leave the twins like that. Davina suddenly walks out of the bathroom and smiles as she sees me "looking good as always darling" I say as she walks over to me and gives me a kiss on the lips. She smiles "thanks now come take a look at what our babies are wearing" she says grabbing my hand and leading me over to the bed where the twins are. She picks up Kylan and opens his coat "so I just couldn't resist when I saw the costume. I had to buy it for our son" she says turning in a position so I can see what our son is wearing and I just laugh and roll my eyes. "Really? You got him a vampire costume?" I ask with a low chuckle "of course. Doesn't he look cute?" she coos kissing Kylan on the cheek making him coo "yeah he does" I say taking him from her arms as she goes to pick up Elvira who adorably reaches out her arms to her and does a little bounce on her bottom. Davina smiles as she picks her up earning a cute little squeal from our daughter. She opens her coat and turns to show me our baby girl's costume and my hear melts. "Aw look at you. Mommy's dressed you up as a Princess" I coo taking her from Davina so I'm now holding both of the twins. Elvira coos at me while Kylan pokes my cheek making me chuckle "My babies look so adorable" I coo placing a kiss on their foreheads "they're always adorable" Davina says walking over to me and kissing them on their cheeks before giving me a kiss. "They do take after you after all" I respond "are you calling me adorable? Because we both know I'm more than just adorable" she purrs slightly making me growl under my breath. "Don't you start missy" I say playfully making her laugh softly as we leave the room.

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