Chapter 41

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Continues on from previous chapter...

No one's pov

Bonnie arrived at the Salvatore boarding house with her mother in tow and went straight to the living room where Elena, Jeremy, Stefan, Damon and Caroline were. Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah were also there as even though they received word that Esther was dead and they no longer had to worry about her wanting to kill them. Klaus and Rebekah were furious with Elena for conspiring with their mother. "Guys stop arguing" Bonnie said making everyone stop "Bonnie I heard you and your mother were helping Esther" Klaus said "we were going to help her kill you but that was before we saw she had kidnapped two innocent children and locked them up in a cage like animals" Bonnie responded "how could she do that?" Rebekah questioned "Esther wasn't just out to kill you tonight. Her goal was to also kill your brothers children and my mother and I could not take part in that. I didn't want to participate in two innocent children being harmed" Bonnie responded "they're Mikaelsons though" Elena spoke earning a glare from Rebekah "shut your mouth. That's my niece and nephew you're talking about and they're 3 years old. Go be judgmental about people your own size and age" Rebekah spat "they are innocent Elena. The poor things were crying their eyes out when we walked in there" Abby spoke up "me and my mother tried to back out but Esther got nasty and Finn killed my mother" Bonnie replied "if that's the case, then why is she alive now?" Damon asked "because Davina's sister brought her back to life. You guys we really shouldn't bother them" Bonnie replied "why not?" Damon asked "well for one they've done us no harm and two have you ever heard of the Norse Gods?" Bonnie questioned "we have. Norse Gods were the Gods vikings prayed too" Elijah spoke "yeah well Kol's wife Davina and her family are Norse Gods" Bonnie said "impossible" Klaus said "it's true. Right after Esther boasted about how nobody had a chance against her, a man entered.  His name was Loki, he's the God of Mischief and he's Davina's father" Bonnie responded "Kol entered right after him with a huge wolf beside him. The twins called him Uncle Fenrir. He wasn't like any ordinary wolf though, he was much larger and deadlier looking and he was immune to Esther's magic. She couldn't harm him with her magic" Abby spoke "if I'm correct that wolf would be the giant wolf, the father of wolves. Loki had three children who were said to be monsters" Elijah said "well Loki apparently has more than three children one of which is Davina but I don't know if she's like her siblings as she wasn't there. From what I know Davina remained at home" Bonnie replied "tell us more" Stefan said intrigued "after Kol and the wolf entered. A large snake entered, the snake was massive, the biggest snake I've ever seen. He coiled around the room at least three or four times and after that a woman entered. Her name was Hela" Abby said "they introduced themselves after Esther demanded to know who they were. Loki, Fenrir, Jormungdr and Hela and they really didn't look pleased upon seeing Esther or Finn. Hela introduced herself as the Goddess of Death. Esther thought it was an illusion and commanded Finn to find the witch who was doing the spell but there wasn't any witch doing such a spell. Hela brought my mother back, Finn had ripped her heart out and Hela put it back in and healed her then brought her back" Bonnie explained "Goddess of Death? Seriously?" Damon retorted "oh yeah, Damon and she was real too. Me and my mother know what we saw and we know what we heard" Bonnie responded "didn't you try to stop these people?" Elena questioned "why would I stop them when they were more interested in confronting Esther and meant no harm to me or my mother? One of them brought my mother back to life" Bonnie said in disbelief shaking her head. "It can't be real. Norse Gods were nothing more than folks tales and myths" Klaus said "we know what we saw Klaus and thanks to them my mother is alive and I finally saw who the true monster is and it was Esther. Esther's the monster here and she's the reason you lot ended up like you did" Bonnie replied "you're right she is" Elijah replied "there's something you should know regarding your brother. Esther abused him as a child" Bonnie said shocking the three Mikaelsons "no, that can't be true" Rebekah replied "well Hela mentioned it as did Kol. Apparently your mother beat Kol whenever he did something of pure heart" Bonnie replied "we would've known if she was beating him" Elijah said "would you really have known? Because Finn knew about it yet he never did anything about it, he didn't try to stop her from hurting Kol" Bonnie replied "Finn always knew everything Esther did" Klaus said "Finn even defended his mothers actions for beating Kol by saying Kol was a reckless child" Bonnie said "Kol wasn't reckless. He was rather quiet and often kept himself isolated from us" Elijah spoke his eyes widening as realization dawned on him that the reason Kol was always isolating him from them was probably because of Esther beating him. "We should've known. He should've told us" Klaus said "maybe he didn't want to burden you" Abby spoke "or because you were all too busy worrying about Klaus to truly notice or for him to even consider telling you" Bonnie added "our poor brother" Rebekah muttered under her breath "if you would excuse us. We need to go and discuss this matter alone as a family" Elijah said "don't try to keep on plotting against us" Klaus warned "only if you leave town" Elena said "we'll see" Klaus responded before leaving the boarding house with his siblings in tow to go and discuss what they had learned about their brother.

Meanwhile...At Kol and Davina's house

The twins were cuddled up on the couch with Kol and Davina watching Disney movies. They were wide awake now but they were very quiet which wasn't like them especially Kylan who was always talking or being loud. "I'm sorry about what happened to you two today. I swear it won't happen again" Kol said looking at his children who looked up at him "we know daddy" they replied "then please talk. Me and mommy hate not hearing your voices or seeing your perfect little smiles" he replied "sorry daddy. We're just really tired" Kylan replied "I know you are son. Listen I have an idea. How about we leave town for a while and go elsewhere?" he questioned "I'd like that daddy" Elvira replied "me too daddy" Kylan responded "great so wherever shall we go?" Davina questioned "how about Norway?" Kol questioned with a small smile "I don't mind going there" Davina replied "what about you two? Does Norway sound good to you?" he asked "yes daddy. I'd like to go there" Kylan replied "me too daddy. Are we gonna get a house there?" Elvira asked "of course we will" Kol responded "what about my horse? Will I get my horse?" she asked making her parents chuckle "why get a horse when you have your uncle Sleipnir?" Davina questioned with a giggle "I want my own horse. Daddy said he would get me one" Elvira replied eyeing her father making him chuckle "I will get you a horse princess. Don't you worry, I wouldn't lie and get my little girls hopes up like that" Kol responded "will I get a horse tomorrow?" Elvira asked "no love as we're going to start planning our move to Norway but I promise once we're in Norway I will buy you a horse" Kol promised "how long will we be there for?" Kylan asked "a couple of months" Kol replied looking at Davina for confirmation "3 months at least" Davina confirmed "3 months of living in Norway. It'll be great" Kol replied "the baby will be born by then too" Davina added "yay, I can't wait for the baby to come" Elvira squealed making them laugh "me neither" Kylan responded bouncing on the couch "there's our happy children. We've missed you" Kol said with a chuckle as they beamed up at him "we're happy now daddy" Elvira said as she hugged him "good that makes me and mommy happy too" Kol responded as he placed a kiss on his daughters forehead. "I'm gonna head up for a shower. Will you three be okay down here?" Davina asked "we'll be fine mommy" Kylan responded "go take a shower love. We'll be fine" Kol said as Davina stood up and turned to leave. "Uh wait a second. Aren't you forgetting something?" Kol questioned puckering up his lips and making kissy faces at her making her giggle. "How could I possibly forget?" Davina responded as she walked over and gave her children a kiss on the cheek each making them giggle as Kol pouted "not fair. Where's my kiss? Daddy needs a kiss too" he said making Davina giggle as she leaned down and pressed her lips against his making him smile "that better?" she asked as she pulled away "much better" Kol replied flashing her a cheeky smile as he looked up at her before she turned around and walked out the room to go take a shower.

End of chapter, what did you think? I know it was a little short but I'm kind of busy today, juggling last minute assignments and other stuff. Anyway I hope you liked it. Bonnie told the rest of the gang and the Mikaelsons about Davina's family and about the abuse Kol went through by Esther's hand. Kol and Davina are planning to move to Norway for a while as things cool down in Mystic falls and for a new change of scene. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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