Chapter 35

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Three days later.....

Davina's pov

My brothers have been here for three days now and honestly it has been nice having them around. They were always off doing something in Asgard by order of Odin so I hardly saw them but now I'm actually getting to spend time with them and the twins are getting to spend time with their uncles, that they absolutely adore. Having my brothers here has also been good for me and Kol as we're able to get some time alone together since my brothers offer to watch them so we can relax for a bit and do whatever we like. Although on Monday which was yesterday, the twins were at pre school which they really enjoyed. Anyway other than when they were at pre school, we spent time in the library, reading together, an odd activity to do I know but it's something we actually like doing. We've also done a bit of one on one training in the training room down below in the house and we've also done some swimming together in the pool and we've made out in the Jacuzzi but we haven't gone further than making out as despite having my brothers here watching the twins for us while we have some well deserved mommy and daddy time. We somehow get interrupted plus I don't want to have sex, not because I'm suddenly not attracted to Kol or anything, that's definitely not the case. I'm very attracted to him and I would very much like to have sex with my husband but I've been feeling very insecure about myself as my baby bump grows. I wasn't as insecure when I was pregnant with the twins so I don't know why I feel way more insecure now but I guess it's just part of the pregnancy hormones. I just don't feel beautiful right now, I feel like a bloated whale and I feel unattractive. I haven't told Kol this of course but I don't want it to be a problem, so I've just not told him. 

I feel bad about it though because I see the frustration in his eyes whenever I stop us from going further. I don't want him thinking it's his fault that I don't want to have sex. It's because I'm feeling uncomfortable with myself. We almost did have sex three days ago when my brothers arrived but we were interrupted by my brother Fenrir barging into the room which totally killed the mood. Oh how I wish my sister was here to give me advice and make me feel better. 

As of now it has just gone 8 pm and the twins are fast asleep. I'm sat on the couch, watching tv when Kol suddenly walks in "okay, we're going on a date" he says "when?" I ask "now, I laid a dress out for you to wear" he replies "why do you suddenly want to go out on a date?" I ask "what? Am I now allowed to take my beautiful wife out on a date?" he asks making me blush slightly "well yes but warn me next time, I'd like to be prepared if I'm going on a date" I respond giving him a kiss on the cheek as I stand up. "Where are my brothers? It's a little too quiet in this house" I say "oh they're playing on the Xbox in the guest room Sleipnir is staying in" he explains "again? You know ever since you introduced them to that console, they haven't been able to come off for even a second. They're addicted", I say "well at least it keeps them quiet" he replies making me laugh slightly "that is true. I'm gonna get changed now" I respond before leaving the living room and heading upstairs.


I reach the bedroom and find the dress Kol laid out for me on the bed. I pick it up and observe it "he knows my style" I mutter to myself as I place it down so I can take my clothes off.

Once I've stripped down to my underwear, I put on the dress which was a lovely white lace design with long sleeves and it hugged my baby bump, nicely. It also feels really comfortable too and it's not too tight. I zip up the dress at the back as I head into my walk in closet to pick out some shoes. I select a pair of white Lolita shoes which have a bit of a heel. 

(Davina's outfit)

(Davina's outfit)

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