Chapter 44

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New chapter for you, sorry about the lack of updates. I have explained why there has been a lack of updates on the update of Daughter of a trickster good so I'm not going to go over it again. So on to the story, I hope you like it.

Five days later....

"Waaa!" Rosie cried screaming at the top of her lungs disturbing her parents from their peaceful slumber but they didn't care or complain about being woken up. Kol hummed as he sat up "I'll get her" he said as he kissed Davina on the cheek who also sat up. "Okay" she replied as Kol lifted the covers off him and got out of bed. He walked over to the crib in the corner of the room and cooed as he leaned his head over the railings of the crib. "Hey there my beautiful little Rosie" he cooed as he reached into the crib and gently picked her up. Rosie's cries halted slightly the second she was in her father's arms. "Now why are you screaming your lungs off, hmm?" Kol cooed as he gently rocked his five day old baby daughter in his arms. Rosie's bottom lip trembled as she cried "oh I see" Kol said wrinkling his nose as a rather unpleasant smell creeped it's way up his nose. "Come on, let's sort that stinky diaper out" he cooed as he headed into the bathroom to change her.

"Waa!" Rosie cried kicking her little legs as Kol laid her on the changing table. "I know princess. Having a stinky poopy diaper sucks I know" he cooed as he quickly undressed her. He tried to not let the bad smell from her diaper affect him.

Kol carefully undid the diaper and grabbed a diaper bag and wet wipes along with a clean diaper. He took a deep breath before removing the dirty diaper and instantly gagging as the smell hit his nose "oh wow that's making my eyes water" he said rubbing his eyes as he folded the diaper and pushed it aside before grabbing a wet wipe and gently wiping Rosie's bottom. Rosie had somewhat stopped crying but she still had tears strolling down her face. "I don't think your siblings ever made that much of a smell when they did a poop" Kol cooed as he put the dirty diaper in the diaper bag before grabbing the clean one. He gently put the diaper on her and the second it was on, a relieved smile appeared on Rosie's face "you're feeling much better now aren't you?" Kol cooed as he tickled her tummy making her giggle, a sound he loved to hear along with his wife's and the twins voices and laughs. Rosie cooed up at her father, giving him a smile as he quickly and carefully dressed her back in her baby grow. Kol smiled as he picked her up and held her securely in his arms, against his chest. He quickly sanitized and wiped down the baby changing table with one hand. He then popped the dirty diaper bag in the bin and placed Rosie back down so he could wash his hands. Little Rosie cooed to herself as she laid on the changing table, waiting patiently. Kol smiled as he dried his hands before picking Rosie up "come on, I think you're wanting a feed from mommy now" he cooed as he held her in his arms as he exited the bathroom. Kol smiled as he saw Davina reading a book "someone's ready for her feed" Kol said softly making Davina turn to him as she placed the book down and held her arms out for Rosie. Kol gently passed Rosie to Davina who held her securely to her chest as she pulled one side of her nightgown down revealing her breast. Rosie quickly latched on without any hassle and began suckling away. Kol climbed into bed beside her and laid his head on her shoulder, watching as she fed their daughter. "I've missed watching you feed" Kol said "you've seen me feed a few times since she's been born Kol" Davina replied "I know but just simply watching you feed. I've missed it. I forgotten how look beautiful you look when you're breast feeding our babies" Kol responded making Davina blush as he kissed her cheek. 

"So? How long do you reckon we'll stay here in Norway?" Davina asked "for a little bit longer. I don't think we should move somewhere else while Rosie is so young" Kol replied "I know but do you ever want to live elsewhere? I mean we did say we'd be living here for three months at the most" Davina responded "we'll probably move back to Mystic falls in a month or two" Kol replied "why Mystic Falls? I thought you said you didn't want to ever go back there" Davina replied "I don't, we probably won't go back there considering what happened there. I know a better place than Mystic Falls" Kol replied "oh really? Where?" Davina asked "there's a place called New Orleans. There's a French quarter which my siblings built and sort of made themselves like royalty there" Kol explained "you'd want to go back to a place where your siblings ruled?" Davina asked since Kol wanted to stay clear of his siblings for the mean time especially Klaus. "I do but New Orleans is a beautiful place. The food, the music, the art, the markets and the culture is just brilliant and I reckon you'll like it there as will the kids so in a month or two if we haven't been called back to Asgard, we'll move to New Orleans" Kol replied making Davina nod "okay but what about Sleipnir and your sister?" Davina asked since Sleipnir was still with them and so was Freya. Freya had stayed after Rosie was born, she wanted to get to know her niece and nephew as well as her brother and sister in law of course. Kylan and Elvira had taken to Freya pretty quickly over the last five days she had been with them and Freya adored the twins. They held a soft spot in her heart as had little Rosie who was only five days old. Kol and Freya had bonded too, they got on quite well although they did have their disagreements regarding their siblings. Freya wished to see them but Kol refused to see him especially Klaus after how he treated Davina. Kol definitely hadn't forgiven Klaus for pushing Davina at the masquerade. For a moment when Rosie had been born not breathing, Kol had blamed Klaus for it thinking Rosie might've not been breathing because Klaus had pushed Davina when she was pregnant with her. Of course it was a stupid thing to think but Kol's head was all over the place and he wanted someone to blame for his daughter not breathing but that all went out the window when Rosie let out a cry. Kol felt a little bad for blaming that on Klaus but it wasn't enough to make him want to reach out and have him back in his life. Kol didn't want Klaus anywhere him or his family especially when he was being disruptive and callous. Kol wanted to protect his children from the anger, greed, paranoia and control his brother surrounded himself in. He wanted to protect his wife and children from all dangers in life even if it means keeping them away from the brother who sought to control his life and keep him on a leash. Kol wouldn't let Klaus anywhere near his wife or children unless he changed his ways but when that would happen Kol didn't know but he didn't want to wait around to see it happen. His wife and children were his main priority, not his paranoid, self-centered, control freak older brother. 

End of chapter. 

 What did you think? Any good? This was more of a cute little filler chapter. Cute moment with Kol and baby Rosie. Kol and Davina discussed potentially moving somewhere else in a few short months. Will they be moving to New Orleans? Is that such a good idea? Freya is developing a nice little relationship with Kol and his family. You didn't see any moments between her and the kids but there will be some coming up. Freya wants to see their other siblings but Kol doesn't especially Klaus. Kol won't let Davina or the kids near Klaus unless he changes his ways. Kol's main problem is just with Klaus and how he treats everyone and how he acts. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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