Chapter 52

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Sorry for the long wait, I'm struggling a bit for inspiration but I'm trying my best to update where I can.

Continues from previous chapter...

Davina's pov

I enter the living room with Rosie after finishing her feed and Kol has gotten off the phone with his brother. Freya and Hayley are sat in the living room, Freya is trying to keep Hayley calm "so what's happening?" I ask standing in the doorway slightly swaying side to side, rocking Rosie in my arms.

"I explained the situation to Elijah and he's gonna come here to see Hayley himself before he tells Klaus but I've told him you will be gone with the kids when Klaus comes as I don't want him anywhere near you or the kids" Kol explains "how come you don't want Klaus near her and your kids? Should I be concerned?" Hayley questions "my brother and I have just had some disagreements in the past few months and I don't particularly trust him right now being near my children but that's not saying it will be the same case for you" Kol replies "regardless of what happens, we will help you" Freya says "you will still help me through my pregnancy won't you? You said you'll give me help and advice since you've been pregnant with Mikaelson offspring" Hayley says looking at me.

"And I stand by what I said, I will help you and give you advice in anyway you need. I will only be gone with the kids for 24 hours or so until we know Klaus won't do something spiteful" I assure her making her nod.

"What about the witches? They're going to come after me" she says "they won't get anywhere near you, they don't stand a chance with us around" Freya assures her "she's right, we will keep you safe from the witches. I won't let them use my unborn niece or nephew as some bargaining chip" Kol says and she smiles at us.

"Thank you" she says "you're welcome" I respond "mommy" Kylan says as he and Elvira walk in the room "yes baby?" I ask "can I have cuddles now?" he asks "just as soon as I've fixed Elvira's princess dress" I respond walking over to Kol and handing Rosie to him "hey poppet" he coos planting a kiss on Rosie's forehead earning a smile from her.

I walk over to the twins "come on sweetheart, I'm gonna teach you how to sew" I say grabbing Elvira's hand as I go to lead her out the room "wait, I know how to sew so I can fix the dress for her if you want?" Hayley offers "that's very kind of you but I can do it" I respond "okay" she replies and I leave the room with Elvira.


30 minutes later....

I've finished fixing Elvira's princess dress which had quite the tear but I managed to sew it up so now Elvira is happy which is good. "Okay there be careful next time when you're playing while wearing the dress" I say holding up the dress for her to see "I will mommy, thank you" she replies making me smile.

"You're welcome sweetheart" I respond bending down and giving her a kiss on the forehead "mommy is it cuddle time now?" Kylan asks poking his head in the room and I just smile at him "yes it's cuddle time" I respond hanging up Elvira's dress as she goes off to play.

I walk over to Kylan and pick him up "you're in a very cuddly mood today aren't you?" I say rubbing his back as I exit the room. "I like cuddles" he says burying his head in the crook of my neck "I can tell baby but luckily for you I like cuddles too" I say as I walk down the stairs and to the living room.

I sit down on the couch with Kylan clung to my side as Kol enters with Rosie in his arms who is cooing away "hey sweetie" I coo as he sits down next to me and I plant a kiss on Rosie's forehead. "She's very chirpy after her feed" Kol says with a chuckle as he shifts her around in his arms so she's looking my way.

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