He Will Be Ours

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Jumin hurries out of his office.

"Jaehee? Please let me know if anything urgent comes up, I'm taking the rest of the day off"

Jaehee nodded "of course Mr. Han"

Jumin walked away and Jaehee smiled. She picked up her phone, calling Angelica.

"Hey honey, he just left what's happening at Zen's?" Jaehee asked.

Angelica was parked outside of Zen's place, "Babe I don't think he's home I've been here since this morning and nothing"

Jaehee groaned "ugg he's probably over at Jumin's place then, why won't he learn that Mr. Han is NOT good for him?!" 

Angelica started her car to head over to Jumin's place, "Nobody will love him more than us babe"

Jaehee nodded "I know, we just have to keep showing him that he needs nobody other than his fans"

"Should I let the girls know our plan?" Angelica asked.

Jaehee shook her head "No no, let's not get their hopes up. We can tell them once it's complete."

"Good call babe, I'll let you know when I get Zen" Angelica said hanging up.

Jaehee put her phone down and walked into Mr. Han's office and took a look at his emails.

She scoffed seeing all the support emails he was getting from past and current clients. 

I thought this would at least have some effect on business. She closed his inbox. That's not what matters though, as long as Zen saw.

Jaehee smiled leaning back in Jumin's chair. 

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