Anything for You

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Zen's eyes fluttered open.

Zen groaned, what time is it?

He turned his face and saw the clock read 6:00PM.

Woah I was asleep for a while, Zen started to get up.

"Ow!" Zen mumbled as he sat up in the bed.

My body is killing me, he thought getting up.

He had to catch himself on the bed since his legs were a little wobbly.

This is a pain, he thought as he started to walk to the kitchen.

Mmmm something smells good, he walked into the kitchen and saw Jumin cooking.

Jumin had his back towed Zen stirring something in a pan on the stove.

He was shirtless only wearing a pair of Zen's basketball shorts and the black apron that went down his chest.

Zen was just staring at the toned man up and down, his back muscles.

Zen started to walk closer to Jumin reaching out his hand to touch his back.

"Hello Hyun." Jumin said startling Zen before he even got close to touching the man.

Zen quickly lowered his hand running his fingers through his white hair, "oh u-uh h-hi Jumin" he stuttered.

"Sit down Hyun I just finished making dinner" Jumin said picking up the pan he was cooking on and pouring the contents over what looked like a pice of meat.

Zen walked over to his small two person dining table and saw it was nicely set up with utensils and wine glasses filled with a dark red wine.

Zen raised one eyebrow and sat down, oooookkkkay this is nice, he thought.

Jumin walked over and placed two plates full of food down and sat in his seat across from Zen.

Zen looked at the meat in front of him, it looked like chicken covered in the white sauce with mashed potatoes and asparagus on the side.

Jumin saw Zen staring at his plate "its chicken cordon bleu"

Zen stared at Jumin blankly.

Jumin rolled his eyes, "it's just chicken stuffed with ham in the middle. Most people also put cheese inside but I made a special cheese sauce to go on top instead which I think makes it taste much better. I also cooked some asparagus and made some fresh mashed potatoes"

Zen was about to speak but Jumin cut him off holding up his finger "if you were about to ask, yes I went out to get the ingredients just down the street, yes I actually cooked this meal, and yes I'm sure I cooked this meal"

Zen closed his mouth "this is impressive" Zen said.

He swiped his finger through the cheese sauce and licked it "mmm who knew trust fund kid was good at cooking!"

Zen started to dig in savoring every delicious bite.

It tastes so fresh and warm and comforting, he thought, I want Jumin to always cook like this.

Jumin also slowly ate his food smiling at the hungry Zen.

Oh Hyun anything for you, he thought.

I'm so excited to keep writing this story!!!! More soon more soon!!!

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