Why Jumin?

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Zen decided to leave a few minutes after Jumin disappeared.

He got in the limo and was driven all the way home.

Zen was just sitting in the car in shock trying to think of everything that happened that night.

He finally reached his house, thanked the driver, and walked in.

Zen immediately  took off his shoes and plopped down on his bed.

Jumin, Zen thought, could never really like me, he can never really like anyone. He has no emotions. Why did he say that? Why was he crying? Why why why?!

Zen covered his face with his hands "why did he say that he liked me then denied it right after?" Zen thought aloud.

Zen sighed I hate getting mad at him, he thought, I hate seeing him cry, I just want to see him happy always.
Those eyes... Zen thought so scary. Why did he get so angry? Why did he make me cry?, he continued to think now rubbing his temples, do I like him?

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