Naughty Kitty

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Smutty smut smut. Hehe. This is my favorite one so far ;) Rawr


Jumin ended up grabbing one of his ties and wrapping Zen's wrists together tightly.

It was all a quick blur to Zen as he was face down in the sheets.

Jumin disrobed and then did the same to Zen. He slowly took of each article of clothing, one by one.

Jumin then flipped Zen back over onto his back, the bed creaking again.

Jumin hovered over Zen's naked body.

Zen's dick was throbbing.

"I see someone is begging to be touched" Jumin playfully spoke, motioning to Zen's hard member.

Zen squirmed "please master touch me..I...I'll do anything" Zen plead.

Jumin raised an eyebrow "anything?" he asked.

"Anything." Zen confirmed whimpering.

Jumin rummaged through his bag, and, to Zen's surprise, pulled out white cat ears.

"Fuck" Zen mumbled softly.

Jumin chuckled and said "you said anything and you know how long I've been wanting to do this."

Jumin put the white cat ear headband on Zen's head adjusting them to lay perfectly.

"Now, my kitty" Jumin spoke darkly "you're going to do as master says and only then will he reward you. Do you understand?"

Zen nodded, the ears flopping.

Jumin bit his lip. "You're so beautiful my pet" Jumin said stoking Zen's hair.

He suddenly grasped the hair and lowered Zen's head down towards Jumin's now throbbing dick.

"Suck" Jumin grumbled.

Zen nodded and obeyed.

He did exactly as his master asked. "Harder" "Faster" "Deeper".

Zen obeyed every command.

Jumin moaned and groaned more and more.

"Such a naughty kitty" Jumin said fisting Zen's hair.

Jumin came in Zen's mouth and he swallowed.

"Good boy" Jumin said slightly out of breath.

"Now my pet, you get your reward" Jumin said pushing Zen onto his back.

Zen's dick was throbbing, wet with pre-cum and sweat.

Jumin grasped Zen's penis making Zen gasp. "Calm down Kitty, relax" Jumin whispered soothingly "let master fix you right up".

Zen moaned deeply as Jumin stroked his dick slowly and tightly.

"That's it, shhh" Jumin continued to whisper making Zen moan louder and Jumin go faster.

As Zen's moans turned into groans Jumin felt that he was close to cumming about to lose it.

Jumin picked up speed and whispered "let go" making Zen yell and cum all over Jumin's abbs.

Jumin looked down "look at that mess" he said sitting up looking at his stomach.

"Clean it" Jumin commanded the tired Zen.

Zen wiped the sweat from his fore head and sat up about to grab tissues.

Jumin stopped him, "woah woah woah kitty, with your tongue"

Zen bit his lip "come on. Do it for your master" Jumin coaxed.

Zen crawled over to Jumin's wet stomach and licked up his abbs, circling his nipples as he stroked cleaning him up.

Jumin gasped and Zen continued his sensual clean up.

Once Zen was done he looked up at his master.

Jumin smiled and pat his head "good kitty. Now rest"

Jumin said pushing the half asleep down on the bed.

Zen cuddled up about to fall asleep.

"Sleep well my precious" Jumin whispered kissing Zen's forehead.

Zen mumbled "goodnight master" and happily knocked out.

I'll make more chapters soon! (I hope). In the meantime, let me know what you think! I love all of your witty comments, they bring me such joy! Thank you sempais for reading thus far!!! Much much love to you all <3

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