The Incident

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Jumin was pacing in his office, "Jaehee are you sure my lines are all clear?!" he yells stepping out of his office.

Jaehee is sitting at her desk typing on her computer.

"Yes Mr. Han, only Mr. McCall can get through, but please know he's been in network meetings all morning. His assistant said she would make sure he'd call before 1pm. In the meantime please go over the Hart account files I left  on your desk, they need an answer by today"

"Yes yes thank you", Jumin heads back into his office and shuts the door.

He sits down on his chair rubbing in the bridge of his nose.

I need to do this for Hyun. He can't lose his reputation after building it up for so long.

Jumin got up and kept pacing as the time passed, staying in his office, staring at the phone, overthinking.

How could I have just let myself go so horribly, and with Luciel of all people, someone Hyun KNOWS!

Jumin sighed pushing his hair up gripping it.

What's wrong with me? I always wondered how people could just... do what I did... and Hyun doesn't even know...

Jumin turned looking out his window.

I have to tell him the truth. He deserves that. 

Jumin's office phone rang, he glanced at the time, 1:30pm, I wonder where Hyun is for lunch? 

He answered, "Hello Jumin Han"

"Jumin it's Brian McCall, my assistant says you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes Brian, I've been such a fan of your network for a while, the way your company upholds itself is admirable"

Jumin clears his throat, "however I have a concern about one of your network actors, Angelica Morgan"

"What about her" Brian said defensively "she's my star".

"Yes well my-" Jumin paused "-one of my friends, he was sexually harassed by Miss Morgan"

Brian laughed over the phone, Jumin furrowed his brows, "Excuse me this is serious matter Brian"

Brian stopped laughing, "I'm sorry Jumin, I can't believe that because Miss Morgan is exclusively attracted to women, and has a girlfriend even."

Jumin was speechless.

"Look Jumin, I get called about so called incidents like this about Miss Morgan often. Usually by the men she co-stars with. They get all confused since she's a method actress. Her character is promiscuous with men, not her."

Jumin became stern, "I'm sorry Brian but this incident is true. I saw her leaving my friend's apartment kissing his cheek, gripping his shirt..." 

Jumin paused to catch his breath as he was getting angry.

"Jumin." Brian got stern, "I just don't believe you. And even if it were true, who even is this guy?"

Brian sighed, "You shouldn't be believing all your friends you hangout with."

Jumin was in shock, "Excuse me? What do you mean?"

"I mean, you should understand what Miss Morgan is going through, false accusations"

Jumin was confused, "what accusations? what are you talking about Brian?"

Brian chuckled, "Checkout today's top article in People magazine and get back to me. There's nothing to be ashamed of Jumin. Gotta run." Brian hung up.

Jumin dropped the phone and quickly pulled up the internet on his computer typing in the search bar.

What is happening? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

Jumin's jaw dropped.

I have to call Hyun.

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