Why Hyun?

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Jumin marched out of the room never looking back at Zen. He couldn't look at him.

Jumin ran to his bed room slamming his door shut behind him.

Jumin was breathing heavy, he started to punch walls.

"Why Hyun?!" He yelled taking a swing at the wall "why must you do this to me?!" He swung again "why do you make me cry like this" he punched the wall once more making a hole in it.

Jumin stopped and laid on his bed. He was laying face up just staring at the ceiling fan slowly turn.

What is this man doing to me, he thought, what is this feeling? I didn't think it was like this Hyun I swear!

Jumin thought, I don't know what to tell you anymore?! I wanted to actually share my feelings with you...I wanted you to feel the same way...I thought you felt the same way. What is this feeling?

Jumin covered his face and let out a long groan "why must I like this man so much?" He spoke aloud.

"His eyes just" Jumin took a deep breath "his eyes" Jumin whispered "his eyes broke when I said that..."

When I told him I was using him, my heart broke, but then seeing his eyes, shattered, I broke even more.

Jumin sat up quickly "I broke him" Jumin whispered "he will never like me now".

Jumin clenched his hair and stood up.

"I need to help him...I need to show him..."

We Can't (Jumin x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now