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"Mmmm oh daddy" Zen moaned out.

"That was when I lost it" Jumin said.

The two were sitting on the couch watching the high quality video Jumin just taped.

Jumin's groans from the video were low but audible as the camera gets more shakey now and then drops on the floor only to display the ceiling.

Jumin laughed "yeah I lost my composure and the camera"

Jumin grabbed Zen's hand and kissed it "I'm sorry if I got too rough..."

Zen laughed, "actually... I made you get to that point" "what?", Jumin questioned.

"Yup" Zen ran his finger up and down Jumin's chest "I provoked you to fuck me hard"

Jumin laughed "you know you only had to ask if you wanted that from me?"

"Well...my way was more fun" Zen said.

Jumin got up from the couch and reached for Zen's hand "come see another thing you just needed to ask for"

Zen grabbed Jumin's hand getting up confused.

Jumin led him out the back door.

Zen gasped "JUMIN!? WHAT THE FUCK!?"

There was a brand new top of the line Harley Davison parked in the back. It was all black with silver accents.

"All you had to do was ask Zen" Jumin said smiling.

"Why did you get this for me?!" Zen yelled "because I know how upset you were about Crystal breaking down and I just thought-"

"thought what? That I couldn't pay for a new one so you just bought one because you can? I was going to fix Crystal up myself!"

"Because that worked out so well last time" Jumin muttered "what was that?!" Zen yelled hearing Jumin's comment

"I didn't want this Jumin... I can do this myself..." Zen pushed Jumin angrily and walked down to to the lake.

Where those tears? Jumin thought.

Jumin raced after the white haired man grabbing his wrist "Hyun stop! Talk to me! I got this as a gift, I wanted to do it!"

Jumin turned Zen to face him. Tears were rolling down Zen's face.

"I'm sorry Jumin I love it, it's just... I wanted to do something for myself" Zen grabbed Jumin's hand "I'm sorry Jumin, you know how I have issues with money, in my mind I can't just spend money on things I want and I just can't accept this gift..."

"But Hyun, money isn't an issue for me, I want to give this to you want you to be happy"

Zen shook his head looking down, "I know I know and thank you but..." Zen went silent

"but what?" Jumin asked touching Zen's face "you can tell me anything"

Zen struggled "I...I can't accept this because I feel like I owe you and I have no way of paying you back..."

Jumin hugged Zen, "Hyun. No. I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel like that at all. I am never going to expect anything out of besides just being yourself. I'm doing this all for you, and if you feel like you owe me you don't"

Jumin stepped back looking into Zen's eyes "if our relationship is making you feel like this then you are free to do as you wish-"

Zen's eyes widened "no no no no no! I don't want to end things Jumin!"

Zen started to laugh a little "you're scarily very kind Jumin, but I just wanted you to know how I felt"

Jumin looked a little confused "so do you want me to get rid of the bike?"

"No Jumin no" Zen replied quickly making Jumin smile "it's just next time when you're getting something expensive for me let me know before hand and we can get it together?"

Jumin nodded "whatever makes you happy Hyun"

Zen grabbed Jumin's face kissing him sweetly on the lips.

"Your niceness freaks me out a little... but it's cute" Zen said kissing Jumin again and again.

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More to come ;)

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