That Night...

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... 4 months later ...

Zen was laying on his bed at 12 in the afternoon smiling like an idiot at his phone.

This girl is adorable! He thought typing away in his messenger app.

About a week ago this girl popped up in our RFA messenger app. We don't know how or why but everyone seems to have taken a liking to this girl.

Jumin was sitting in his office also with his app open slightly grinning at the messages sent by this lovely lady. She seemed to take a liking in Elizabeth the 3rd which made Jumin like her more.

And she seemed to fall for Zen's charms which made him like her more as well.

Both men seemed to have a growing liking for this girl, and also have a constant hate for each other.

They were constantly bickering in the app. Calling each other names and making fun of each other.

That jerk! Zen thought whenever Jumin opened his mouth to speak.

Self centered thought Jumin about Zen.

One night Zen was laying in his bed reviewing a script when he got a private message from Jumin.

"Hello." It read

"hi..." Zen replied.

Jumin was sitting in his living room on his couch sipping wine.

He actually answered, Jumin thought.

"How have you been?" Jumin asked.

Zen looked at the message and responded with a blunt "why do you care".

Jumin sighed, I knew I shouldn't have texted him, he thought.

"Pardon me, never mind" Jumin responded and placed his phone on the coffee table.

Zen read the message feeling a like he had been a little too harsh.

Well that's what he gets for never explaining that night!

That night.... Zen thought.... that night was amazing.

Hi reader!!! Please comment let me know what you think!! Feel free to like this story (or not up to you). THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR!!!! It means a lot to little ol' me :3

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