Never Again

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Hello everyone! I apologize to all those fans of this story for making you all wait so long for me to update :(

A little about me: I'm a struggling collage student who's an English major and enjoys writing this story when I have time.

I've been having MAJOR writers block continuing this story so any suggestions you have on how YOU think the story will go would help me greatly!!

Thank you so so so so sooooo much for being patient and for reading this trash ;P


Jumin groaned opening his eyes suddenly scared not knowing where he was for a second.

"Good morning sleepy head" Luciel cooed laying next to Jumin.

Jumin's eyes grew wide, realizing where he was.

"Shhhhh Jumin relaxxx" Luciel cooed running his hand down Jumin's chest.

Jumin groaned as his head throbbed.

"What happened" he whispered.

Luciel got close to Jumin's ear, "well we fucked and you loved it".

Jumin closed his eyes groaning, fuck, he mouthed.

"Why" Jumin said rubbing his temples, "why would I-"

He stopped mid sentence remembering his fight with Zen.

Shit, he thought.

Luciel traced his finger around Jumin's lips "shhhh it doesn't matter what or how it happened I'm just happy you're with me again".

Luciel crawled up kissing Jumin's cheek.

Jumin swatted him away.

"No no no Luciel. Why the fuck did this happen?!"

Jumin started to sit up but Luciel climbed on top of him and held him down.

"Because you wanted it silly" he leaned down and whispered in his ear "you always want it".

Jumin shook his head pushing Luciel off of him and getting up.

Jumin's steps were a little wobbly as he put on his clothing.

Luciel glared at the man, "you always come back Jumin. You can't shake me."

Luciel got up and handed Jumin his tie smirking.

Jumin angrily pushed Luciel against the wall.

"Not anymore. Never again."

Luciel opened his mouth to speak but Jumin placed his palm over it.

"No. I'm not yours to toy with anymore Luciel. I'm done with this. Done with you."

Jumin backed off gathering his belongings.

Luciel, stunned, stayed against the wall, hands balled into fists.

Jumin made his way to the door.

"I fucking KNOW you better than anyone Jumin", Luciel yelled after him, "you won't last with him".

Jumin looked back laughing, "you're wrong, I've changed".

Jumin stepped outside the door.

Luciel ran after him grabbing his wrist before he could leave.

"Please" Luciel murmured, "Don't".

Luciel got close to Jumin shoving his face in Jumin's chest.

Tears started to roll down Luciel's face.

Jumin hugged the man raising his face up to him by his chin.

"Goodbye" Jumin said kissing his cheek.

Jumin turned and walked away.

Luciel went inside, punching the wall.

He was the only one, he thought.


"Why do we have to stay here?! Couldn't we make Lawrence do it?"

Angelica whined peering out the window of the black tinted Cadillac, looking at Luciel's apartment door.

"Relax my love, don't you want to see the fruits of your work?"

Jaehee reassured her, grabbing her hand.

"Trust me, it will be worth it"

Jaehee kissed Angelica's hand, making her blush.

"Oooookayyy" Angelica gave in looking out the window seeing Jumin exiting the apartment.

"Oh lookie lookie!!" Angelica said excitingly.

Jaehee smirked taking out her camera.

The two watched Luciel and Jumin embrace.

"Ooooooo" Angelica cooed "you were right baby!"

Jaehee clicked the camera, capturing Jumin's sweet kiss onto Luciel's cheeks.

"He always comes back" Jaehee said shaking her head, "this time it will be his undoing".

Angelica laughed "hehehe yes and then Zen is ours right?"

Jaehee nodded, "yes, then Zen is ours".

We Can't (Jumin x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now