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Zen pushed Jumin away.

"Please" Zen whispered "Stop.."

Jumin looked sad, he's right.

"I'm sorry" Jumin said and backed away.

Zen looked down as the dark haired man stared at him.

Zen was twirling his thumbs looking down at them and sighed, it's now or never, he thought.

"J...Jum...min" Zen stuttered "we have"

Zen paused and sighed.

"We have to end this."

Tears were rolling down Zen's face as he spoke bluntly.

Jumin was smiling and nodding his head vigorously while tears were also rolling down his face.

Jumin started to laugh and Zen looked up at him angry and confused.

"What the fuck Jumin why are you laugh-" Zen stopped talking when he saw the tears on Jumin's face.

"I'm sorry Hyun... it's just that...." Jumin was laughing and crying at the same time "it's that I came to tell you the same thing".

Zen looked shocked and angry "what why?!"

I shouldn't be so angry I was going to break up with him too, Zen thought feeling stupid.

Jumin finally calmed down.

"Hyun I'm just going to hold you back with your career" Jumin said plainly looking down.

Zen started laughing now "what the fuck Jumin?! I was thinking I'm going to hold you back in your career!!"

Jumin smiled "I guess we think a lot alike"

Zen stopped laughing "yeah you think?!"

Jumin looked at Zen and stepped closer.

"I guess that means..."

Jumin started to say raising his hand gliding it across Zen's cheek.

"We're meant to be."

Jumin finished, smiling Zen.

Zen smiled and grabbed Jumin's hand on his cheek.

"But Jumin.... I still think I'm going to let you down" Zen said softly.

Jumin shook his head "Hyun you can never let me down".

Zen smiled a little.

"Well I think I'm holding you back" Jumin responded.

There was a pause between them.

"I guess we must talk things through" Jumin said scratching the back of his head.

Zen laughed "like a bunch of girls?!"

Jumin chuckled "I guess so".

Jumin kissed Zen's hand "but what's so wrong with that?" Jumin said.

Zen smiled and kissed Jumin's hand in return.

Aww yay :) more soon for those of you who wait for my updates!!
And I would like to give a
Without all your awesome comments and reviews I would have probably stopped writing this a long time ago.
Thank you for the motivation!!!!

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