Happy 1 Year

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HELLO! I'm so sorry I've been silent for so long forgive me... BUT I wanted the next time I post to give you a lot of chapters and more story. I've spent this time thinking and writing and hopefully you all enjoy.

September 26th 2017 was the actual 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THIS STORY!!! Yay!!! That's why I've been waiting to post some special chapters. Enjoy ;)


"I'm so glad we talked everything through"

"Yeah I feel like we can start over fresh and new"

"I just love you so much baby!"

"I love you so much too, let's never fight again"

Zen threw popcorn at the tv.

"That's so unrealistic" Zen said laying in bed with Jumin eating popcorn and watching a Hallmark movie.

This was the their third movie of the day and it was only noon.

Jumin laughed "yeah we fight all the time"

Zen nudged Jumin "no we don't"

"Yes we do. We just fought about what movie to watch" Jumin said raising an eyebrow.

"Hey it was either this or the weather channel. I'm sorry my cable is out right now" Zen said.

"I know I know, it's not your fault that we've been having thunderstorms all week" Jumin said.

"Yeah, but I'm just happy that we got to stay home all week together" Zen said getting closer to Jumin.

"Me too" Jumin said lifting Zen's chin giving him a peck on the lips.

"Happy 1 year" Jumin said as their lips touched.

"Damn 1 year already!" Zen said.

"I promise" Jumin started "once this whole thunderstorm thing passes I'll take you on a proper anniversary date" Jumin kissed Zen's forehead.

"Wow", Zen said, "it seemed like just yesterday you called me out of the blue wanting to know what I was wearing" Zen smiled.

Jumin blushed a little bit "haha...well..."

"You never told me why you did that you know" Zen said raising an eyebrow.

Jumin nervously laughed "well...um.... y-you see"

"Woah Mr. Han is stuttering?! I can't believe it! Am I making you all nervous?" Zen pouted as he laid on his stomach resting his head in his hands and kicking his legs like a little girl.

Jumin smiled and shook his head "you're ridiculous".

"Come on Jumin tell me why did you do it?" Zen coaxed.

Jumin sighed "well... I've liked you for a while Hyun"

Zen smiled "awwwww really?" Zen went to squeeze Jumin's cheek.

Jumin slapped his hand away "stop it. It's true. You were always attractive to me".

Zen gasped "Jumin!" Zen paused "You're gay?!"

Jumin smacked Zen "you idiot, of course I'm gay, what do you have to say about yourself hmm" Jumin said being smug.

"Well I've never really cared about that stuff." Zen started "Working as an actor I've been asked to kiss guys and girls so it's never mattered to me really".

"So why did I always see you with girls all the time?" Jumin asked.

Zen sighed "I've always had to please my fans and majority of those fans are women, some of whom are quite attractive"

Jumin smacked Zen on the back of the head "ow" Zen muttered.

"But you're the only one for me Jumin" Zen reached out to touch his face smiling.

"Haha nice recovery" Jumin said sarcastically.

Zen cleared his throat "so um you were attracted to me?"

Jumin continued "yes Hyun, there's always been something about you that drew me in. And I've always had Jaehee going on and on about you and your career and hobbies and always telling me things you liked to do"

Jumin paused, "and I always wanted to be one of them" Jumin said lowly with a smirk.

Zen's expression went blank as he felt all the blood rush to his face.

"Uh..um..w-well" Zen stuttered.

Jumin lifted Zen chin again getting close to his lips.

"You know Hyun I sometimes just sat at home, in my bed, thinking about all the possible things you would like to do, you know, I'd just think about what your kinks could be, trying to figure out what kind of guy you are" Jumin said lowly.

Zen's breath was shaky "um...what k-kind of guy d-do you think I a-am..."

"Well" Jumin started as he placed a kiss on Zen's jaw.

"I thought you were the kind of guy.." Jumin placed a kiss below his last one starting to work his way down Zen's jaw to neck.

"...Who absolutely enjoys..." Jumin pecked his neck.

Zen closed his eyes biting his lip, this man's voice alone kills me, he thought.

"...And most definitely craves..." Jumin kissed the collar bone.

"To be a submissive." Jumin sucked on Zen's neck.

Zen gasped and gripped the sheets.

Jumin stopped and started blowing on the spot lightly "BUT" Jumin continued.

"You're also the kind of guy..." Jumin sucked on the spot again.

Fuck this man is teasing me, Zen thought, I don't think I can take this anymore.

Jumin stopped and blew on the spot again "....when he gets riled up..." Jumin bit down harder on the spot making Zen grunt.

Fuck I can't take this anymore, Zen thought.

Zen pushed Jumin down hard on the bed grabbing his wrists sitting on top of the man.

Jumin smirked "he becomes a dominant".

We Can't (Jumin x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now