Using me

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Jumin and Zen were forehead to forehead staring into each others eyes. Jumin's eyes confused and Zen's eyes angry.

Zen removed his hand from Jumin's mouth and backed away sitting and bending over with his head between his knees and hands in his shiny white hair.

"W...what? Jumin what the fuck?!?!" Zen yelled.

Jumin stood up and went over to the wall and punched it.

Zen sat up startled. "J..Jumin?" Zen asked.

Jumin was breathing heavy he turned to look at Zen in the face.

Zen looked back at him shocked are...are those tears? Zen thought.

Jumin sniffled and fixed himself. He picked up his shirt and put it on and started to button it up. Jumin was avoiding all eye contact with Zen.

"Hyun" Jumin started "just forget what I..."

"No!" Zen interrupted "you are not doing this to me again. Making me leave again without an explanation!"
Zen was yelling and now on his feet

"Well what explanation do you want?!" Jumin yelled back walking towards Zen.

"Why do you keep doing this?!" Zen stated

"Doing what?!" Jumin yelled

"oh come on Jumin you can't really like me! You just bullshitting me! Why do you really want me? To use me for sex because you can't get anyone else?!" Zen yelled.

The room got silent.

Jumin was looking down at his feet.

Zen realized what he said and started to feel bad, shit he thought.

Zen was staring at the man looking down at his feet and saw tears start to roll down his face.

Jumin then clenched his fist into a ball.

Jumin looked up at Zen angry, he then lunged toward Zen grasping his tshirt in his hands slamming Zen's back into a wall.

The two were there in silence staring at each other.

Jumin's eyes, Zen thought, they're scary.

Jumin finally spoke "Fine Zen... I'm only using you... are you happy." Jumin said lowly.

Jumin then let go of Zen and started to walk away "My driver is waiting to take you home. Goodbye." Jumin said then walked out.

Zen leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor. He put his arms around his knees and tucked them in resting his face in his arms.

Zen was just staring down to the floor speechless.

Zen sat up and felt a drop on his hand. He reached up to his face and felt the tears start to roll down his face.

Zen sniffled "Jumin" he whispered to himself "why did you say those things?"

We Can't (Jumin x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now