Who's the boss ;)

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Helloooo!!! It's been a while I know I sorry :(
But here's an update!!!

Y'all who have been waiting need to thank my friend Jenny who randomly found my story over winter break and has been pestering me to update (lol I love her tho)

Enjoy lovelies ;)
~ one week later ~

Jumin was sitting in his office replying to emails, sorting paperwork, and making calls.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Enter" Jumin said loudly.

Jaehee popped her head into the office.

"Excuse me Mr. Han. I just wanted to inform you that I'll be headed to lunch for 30 minuets to the cafe down the street. Would you like anything?"

"No thank you. Enjoy." Jumin said waving his hand shewing her off.

Jaehee nodded and shut the door.

Jumin raised an eyebrow and quickly called Zen the second he heard the door click closed.

Zen was washing dishes at home when he heard his phone vibrate.

He looked over and saw that Jumin was calling and dried his hands quickly to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" said Zen.

"Get over here now" Jumin demanded, "my office in 5 minuets or else you're punished"

And he hung up.

"Hello?" Zen said again.

He shook his head biting his lip.

"Fucking trust fund kid can't tell me what to do"

Zen grabbed a jacket and slipped on shoes, grabbed his motorcycle keys and was out the door.

~ 20 minuets later ~

Jumin heard a knock on his office door.


Zen opened the door slipping inside, shutting and locking the door behind him.

Jumin stood up from his chair and started to walk around his desk.

"Nice for you to show up. Late."

Jumin stopped and sat on the edge of his desk raising an eyebrow.

He was in his typical dress clothes, a suit with a pinstriped button down, complete with a purple handkerchief in the pocket.

Zen chuckled and slowly walked towards Jumin.

"Who says you can order me around trust fund kid hmm?"

Zen walked up to him slowly.

He was wearing some black skinny jeans and a white v-neck T-shirt.

Fuck that look, Jumin said staring into Zen's red lustful eyes.

Zen was now face to face and inches away from Mr. Han's lips.

"Well well well, where's my order now hmm?" Zen coaxed.

Jumin bit his lip and stayed silent, he's so hot.

Zen glided his hands up Jumin's thigh gliding over his torso and wrapped around Jumin's neck.

He gripped it lightly. Slightly choking the man.

"Now Jumin you listen to me" Zen said whispering against his lips.

We Can't (Jumin x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now