I'm Sorry

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First, I'm sorry senpais for not updating in however long its been.

Second, if you have been following me still since the beginning THANK YOUUU, I'm so grateful for your support and sticking with me!

Third, I'm hoping to conclude this story within this year, but let's see how it goes, I don't want to rush it. (And how you all feel about it as well)

Now please enjoy the continuation of this story!!



"JUMIN! JUMIN!" Zen says pounding on Jumin's apartment door, "JUMIN! OPEN UP! PLEASE!"

No response. 

Zen tries to peer through the keyhole and sees no lights on. 

He looks at his watch, 10:30am on a Sunday, he should be at home...

Zen pounds again, "JUMIN PLEASE!!"

Zen sits down against the door, I'm such an idiot.

He tucked himself into his knees, tears trickling down his cheeks. 

He sat there crying and sniffling for a while, thinking over everything.

"Jumin I'm sorry", he mumbles into his sweats, "I should've been honest and direct with you, I'm still not used to this..."

Zen starts to break down, "...not used to an actually healthy and loving relationship..."

Zen starts sobbing gripping his pants, he whispers "I'm so sorry..."

Hearing a thump in front of him, Zen looks up, eyes glossy, "Jumin?"

Jumin has tears welling up in his eyes, he has dropped to the floor in front of Zen hearing everything he had said.

"Hyun, I'm sorry", his voice cracking.

Zen lunges himself at Jumin, Jumin catching him with open arms.

"No no, you have nothing to be sorry about, I'm sorry" Zen says crying into Jumin's neck.

Jumin rubs Zen's back as he continues, "I realized I don't want anything getting in the way of our relationship. I just can't live without you. I...I'll do anything Jumin, I won't take the role!"

"Zen no keep the role please, it's a big deal for you I know" Jumin runs his fingers through Zen's long white hair.

"No Jumin I...I'll quit and find something else because this part isn't worth losing you over, I don't want the part if I'm being blackmailed into being some plaything for this woman", Zen said as he started getting angry.

"Jumin I should've just told you the truth, this girl came over to my place practically throwing herself on me, trying to blackmail me into having sex with her for a better role on the show!"

Jumin furrowed his brows, "I know some people in the business Zen, please let me make this right".

Zen looked at Jumin, "No Jumin please I want to-" "Do it yourself, I know Hyun" Jumin cut the boy off.

"Hyun, this is blackmail, it can get very serious and even ruin you, let me an outside party help...it's the least I can do", Jumin looked down at their hands intertwined on their laps.

"No no Jumin this is more than what you should be doing, I was the jerk who wasn't being honest with you, lying all for what?  I know our relationship means more than any other person, I should've just trusted you, like I do" Zen smiled at the dark haired man.

Jumin quickly hugged Zen tightly, a tear of guilt running down his cheek, "Let's go inside now, we've made enough of a scene out here".

Jumin stands helping Hyun up who was smiling. 

"I love you Jumin, I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our relationship"

Jumin fumbled with his keys unlocking his door, "I love you too Zen, and neither do I".

We Can't (Jumin x Zen)Where stories live. Discover now