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"Thank you for choosing our company again Mr. Jung" Jumin said bowing to the gray haired man in his office.

"No thank you Mr. Han for being so kind with our family for generations, we are glad to continue investing", the business man responded.

"Allow my assistant to walk you out" Jumin said motioning to Jaehee holding the office door open.

"No need. I can handle myself from here. Don't make me feel too old yet like your father!" The man said chuckling.

Jumin smiled "of course sir" and bowed. Jaehee bowed and shut the door once the man left.

"Mr. Han" Jaehee said.

"Yes?" Jumin said assuming his position in his chair sorting through papers.

I can't  hold it in anymore, Jaehee thought.

"Dating Zen will endanger both of your careers".

Jumin looked down at the papers on his desk.

"That will be all Jaehee" Jumin said lowly.

"Mr. Han please tell me you underst-"

"I said that is all. Please leave assistant Kang".

Jaehee was started. She bowed towards Mr. Han, "forgive me" she said and walked out of the office.

Jumin put his face in his hands.

I hate thinking about those odds...Jaehee don't you understand, Jumin thought tears welling up in his eyes.

Why must this be so complicated for others to understand?

Why can't I just be happy?

Why do people want me to be lonely?
More soon!!

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