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summary- little stevies gonna get his heart broke.

im writing this on my computer, so all grammer mistakes will be over looked.
dont fuck withe me i just broke up with my bestfriend. time for stevie to feel my pain.


When steve woke up, Tony wasnt next to him, which was quite odd giving the fact Tony never left the bed without kissing steve good morning.

"babe?" steve mumbles, leaning up, the sheet that was covering him falling and pooling into his lap. he reaches up and scratches his head, looking at the clock he sees its almost 10am.

He didnt get an answer, even more unusual.

sighing he pulled himself out of bed, yawning softly he heads off down the hallway, once he reached the end he came to an empty living room and an empty kitchen. "Tony?" he calls again, he was so used to smelling fresh coffee in the morning it seemed bland without it.

it took that long, maybe five minutes? to realise, Tony wasnt there. Tony didnt live there anymore... it had been two weeks he should be used to it by now.

But he wasnt, sometimes he still forgot.

the ache in his chest was still there, and that same empty feeling was in his stomach the only thing that was considered missing was Tony.

All the pain was still there

Sighing softly he heads over to the coffee maker, it was the fancy kind. The one with the little cups. He pops one inside and grabs his "worlds best blond" cup and watches it fill.

Tapping his fingers on the counter, he could almost imagine it.

Slender arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him flush agaisnt a wall of warmth. Little kisses peppered onto the back of his neck.

He could smell that familiar smell that was Tony, it seemed to linger everywhere in the house.

He snapped his eyes open when the coffee maker beeped, letting him know his cuo of gold was ready for consumption. He hadn't even realised he had been day dreaming.

With another long sigh, he took his steaming cup and headed over to his desk, deciding to catch up in some missed and unfinished work.

He teared up when he saw his background, he had to change it quickly, and soon the picture if him and Tony kissing on the rooftop was replaced by the generic blue sky and clouds.

Had it really been 2 weeks since hes used his computer?

He answered emails, willed away the tears when he saw his and Tony's last conversation through email.

It was a silly thing, just Tony teasing steve while he was at work, bugging him with emojis and memes.

It made Steve smile, then cry.

"Curse you Stark," he mumbles softly, and could hear the reply, "only cursed men wouldn't have stevie."

Tony said it everytime, and always had a dopey smile on his face while he did it. His eyes would light up, sparkle even as he stared at Steve.

Steve shudders when he remembers the look in Tony's eyes, the look he had when Steve caught him in the hallway, all packed up and ready to leave.

They were empty, sad even.

Sometimes steve forgot how much it hurt remembering those things.

2 weeks, it wasnt a long time. But it was long enough that he shouldn't be feeling Tony their with him, he shouldn't be hearing his voice and smelling his scent.

Tony smelt good, always clean and well taken care of, steve enjoyed it. He enjoyed burying his nose in his hair and smelling his shampoo, as much as he enjoyed smelling the motor oil and sweat.

It was Tony's scent, and he smelt good.

Four days after the breakup, Steve's car and broken down. He had taken it to the mechanic but had to leave immediatly. He couldn't handle smelling the oil and not having Tony there.

It made him cry for an hour straight.

He missed tony, he missed him more then anything. He didn't understand why he had left. They had been perfect. They were like two peas in a pod, inseparable.

Steve was in love with Tony, and as far as he knew Tony was in love with him to.

When he looked at Steve, steve could feel the love, he could see it. Tony's eyes were always brighter when he knew steve was around. And in some way that made Steve proud, knowing he could make the man of his dreams so happy.

But then Tony left, and sometimes Steve wondered what he had done wrong.

They never would fight, little arguments over which movie to watch was the worst it had ever gotten.

They never screamed or argued, or cursed...

It was pure bliss.

Sometimes steve wished he could forget what all that felt like.

Sometimes he wished he could go back in time and stop it all from happening to begin with.

And sometimes, he wished Tony still loved him.

Hehe hi

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