Something Right

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Tony gently brushed pass Steve, "babe your shirt." He whispers soflty, pulling the corner of Steve's deep blue button up shirt away from the stove eye.

With a soft chuckle, he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to Steve's fire hot neck, "its alright, Natasha went the the bathroom remember?" He asks, pulling Steve just a little closer by that same blue shirt, he wrapped his arms around his muscly torso. "You can love on me now." He adds in a tiny little whisper.

Steve tried to hide the grin in his face when he turned around. "You're a dork." He mumbles shyly, his face still a light rose pink. Tony's arms stayed wrapped around him and once Steve was turned around Tony planted his chin on his chest.

"Love you." He mumbles quietly, smiling to himself when Steve finally hugged him back.

"Love you too, dork." The taller man mumbles trying to hide the smile in his voice.

They both quickly pulled apart when they heard Nat coming back. Steve went back to stiring his homemade salad dressing. Why Tony went back to cooking the chicken. Natasha has the duty of making each salad the way they all wanted.

Starting with Steve's, absolutely no carrots, some spinach and lettuce, some croutons and a couple grapes. A little bit of grated cheese.

Tony's was just about the same, except hold the grapes, and add way more cheese. Like, almost more cheese then salad. But that's what he liked and there was no need to nag him for it.

Nat, she was different... she didnt like carrots, or grapes, or spinach. She did however love Steve's homemade bacon bits, and that's all that mattered.

Bacon and ranch, and cheese, a little side of croutons and a perfect dollop of ranch. It's safe to say, she was known as the Gordan Ramsey of the household.

Even tho she didnt live there.

"Hey Steve," Tony says walking up to the taller man, "can I get you to do something for me?"

Steve turned around, the pink that was always there when he was around Tony tinting his cheeks. "Uh, yeah sure."

Tony smiled, the same smile that Steve fell in love with. The same smile that made Steve's heart flutter and his face turn even pinker.

God Steve loved him, he loved him so much. Not just his smile, or his eyes or hair. The fact Tony would touch him when he wasnt expecting it, hold his hand when he got nervous, or even bite his lip when he was turned on.

He loved the way he walked, the way he always shook his leg when it got sore, the way he crossed his arms when he concentrated. He loved how he laughed, smiled, giggled, blushed (which was rare but Steve still loved it.)

He loved the way that no matter how shy Steve was, how insecure he was feeling, or how down he could be... Tony loved him too.

Before he could even think about it, his lips were in his boyfriends, and a gasp was ringing out through the kitchen that belonged to Natasha.

Steve also loved kissing him.

Sometimes so much he forgot he wasnt supposed to in front of people...

"Oh god..."

Steve pulled back very, very frantically. Backing away with a red face as he apologized profusely.

"I'm sorry Tony... I'm really sorry I didnt mean to, I couldn't help it... I'm really sorry."

This was bad, this was really bad he just blew there cover in front of their best friend. The one person they wasnt going to tell until they were sure they were ready. Because they had no idea how she would react.

They didnt want Natasha to think they were gross, or immature.

Tony was his coworker for God's sake!

Steve doesn't remember how he got in the floor, probably tripping over his own feet when he backed away like he just touched a hot iron.

He does however remember Tony hugging him and telling him it was alright, he remembers looking up at Natasha who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow as she ate her salad.

He remembers sighing a huge sigh of relief when she just winked at him.

"Sorry..." he mumbles again, this time not for kissing Tony but for freaking out over it. His face was red, his butt hurt a little from falling on it.

"Nat, I think it's time you go." Tony's voice rings through his ears. Why was he still on the floor?

Maybe because he was still silently freaking out over it...

He was glad when Natasha left, he was glad when Tony helped him up and kissed him again, before giving him a big hug.

"Steve?" He questioned looking up at his darling dear of a boyfriend. "Baby it's okay really." He says soflty, reaching up to stroke his thumb across Steve's pink cheek.

"I didnt mean to..."

"Hey now, it's alright. If you wanna kiss me, you kiss me." Tony soothes, pulling Steve's head down to make him look at him. "I love you Steve, that's all that matters."

"But I did something wrong." Steve whispers guilty, looking down at his feet.

He looked back up when he heard Tony chuckle, "no, you did something right."

This was kinda dookie, but eh

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