Dear Darlin'

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Summary- just and short little chapter, about how much Tony and Steve love each other.

"Oh darlin'!" Steve's voices echoes off the wall as he pulls his keys from the door lock. "I'm home!!" He sings, shrugging his coat off and hanging it in the little silver hook.

Placing his keys in the blue ceramic bowl, he easily slides his shoes off, smiling when he heard the pitter patter of Tony's feet running down the hallway.

"Steve!" He calls jumping into the bigger man's arms, and catching him off guard, which made him bump into the wall. But he managed to regain his balance and wrap his arms back around Tony.

"Hey sugar plum," he coos, hoisting him up more so he could carry him over to the living room.

"Hey, guess what? I was working on Hampton, you know the little robot I was trying to make, oh! And, and he works now, he moves and everything Steve, it's so cool!" Tony beams, making a little "oof" sound when Steve sat them both down on the couch.

"Really? I'm proud of you Tony, you gotta show him to me." Steve says, smiling brightly as he looked up at Tony, who sat a straddle of his lap.

"Yeah really, and thanks Steve... but I'll show you later." And with that, Tony wrapped his arms around Steve's neck and melted into his hold, sighing in content as he did so, "I missed you Steve." He whispers, tightening his hold just a little.

"I missed you too Tony." Steve coos back, kissing the side of his husbands head, it had been a few days, Steve was off with his friend Sam at a resort, prepaid for so he couldn't say no.

Tony was down for it, he told Steve he had to work on some things anyways, so he was fine with him going. He knew Steve needed to get away for a bit, they both needed the time apart.

"Can we go take a nap together?" Tony's voice was quiet, and muffled from where his face was pressed into Steve's neck. He smiled when Steve nodded.

"Of course baby, its late anyways, and it looks like you haven't slept in a while." The end of his sentence had a tone to it that made no room for objection, he could tell Tony hadn't slept, and he wasn't going to let him argue.

"I can't sleep without you." The brunet whispers, pouting a bit because Steve pointed out the fact he hadn't slept, which he hadn't it wasnt no lie. He couldn't sleep without Steve by his side.

"I know, I didn't sleep good either darlin'" he whispered back, still holding Tony, instead if taking him to the bedroom. He just situated them on the couch, and pulled a blanket over them.

"Just sleep baby, I love you so much sweetheart."

"I love you to steve."

It was short, but I was bored so meh.

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