It Must Have Been the Wind

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Summary- another goddamn song, cause why the fuck not?

Alec Benjamin...

Warnings- Abuse... (if you know me, you know why in writing this.)

Also sorry joyceeewritessss11 love you bb... you don't have to read it❤



Work fucking sucked. Hooray for the people who actually enjoy the thing they do...

Steve Rogers was not one of those people... Honestly who likes working at a shitty nine to five job? Crazy people thats who.

So with a sigh steve walked into his apartment building, stopping at his little mailbox to grab his mail. as he was fumbling to get his keys, he heard someone walk in. Being the curious man he is, he turned to see a short man, with short brown hair stumble up the steps.

Not thinking much of it, and honestly not caring he turned back towards the mail box. Finally getting it opened he pulled out what seemed to just be a magazine.

With another sigh and a frustrated grunt, he tucked it under his arm and turned back around, where he saw the small man had disappeared.

After making sure his mailbox was closed he shoved his keys into his pocket and headed up stairs. He lived on the first floor, so he didn't have to walk very far.

With another loud sigh, he opened his door to his lonely apartment jumping when his cat Precious hissed at him... ironic right.

Kicking a bit at the cat out of frustration, he threw the magazine in the bin the was next to his coat rack.

"Ok cat... I'm coming..." He says knowing the cat wanted to be fed... even if she was a turd he still loved her.

After taking off his boots, and shagging off his coat he headed to the kitchen, with the cat following him. She hopped up on the counter and meowed.

He reached out to pet her but jerked back when she hissed at him. "Alright..." He whispers as he grabs a can of food, poping it open he plops the contents onto a paper plate, "here miss prissy..." He says chopping it up a bit.

After all was said and done, he walked over to his couch, sat down and grabbed his sketch pad... decided to finish his drawing of precious he got out his charcoal pencil.

He had her head sketched and was working on her body when he heard it.

A glass shattered, and it didn't sound like it had been dropped... it sounded like someone had thrown it.

Then came the voice of a man, who sounded as if he had been crying, "brock please stop!"

Steve being the curious man he is, he places his sketch pad down and listened for a bit.

All he could catch was the same man crying out...

So steve, being the curious man that his is, stood up and trudged outside... cause he be damned if he just let the man cry.

He headed to the elevator and hit the second floor button, tapping his foot as he waited. Once it dinged and opened he stepped out and headed to the door.

He knocked, loud and harshly and he waited for it to open, he heard shuffling behind the door before it slowly creaked open.

There stood the man from the lobby, a hoodie on that as zipped all the was up, he was nervously chewing on his lip as he looked up at Steve with red rimmed brown eyes. "Can I help you?" He croaks and Steve frowns.

"Are you okay?" He asks his arms crossing, a habit he had when he got anxious.

The man nodded and gave his best attempt at a smile, it didn't reach his eyes...

Steve frowned agian, "I heard a glass break... are you sure your okay?" He asks to which the small man just sighs.

"Look, I'm happy that your trying to help... but i have to get back to what I was doing, I don't know what noise you heard... cause I didnt hear a thing." He rambles and Steve sighs.

Rubbing his shoulder with his right hand he smiles, "Alright... but i swear I heard something..." He says and he knew his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.

The man looked like he had been crying, sounded like he had been crying, and Steve didnt like it. But he wasn't gonna intrude cause that's plain rude.

"Well it must have been the wind." The man says before closing the door. Steve could hear another voice on the other side... and being the curious man he is he was gonna eavesdrop... but that was rude. So with yet another sigh he heads back to his apartment.

The man was soon forgotten about as steve became concentrated on his work. Trying his best to may precious look
her best.

He soon went to bed, but couldn't hardly sleep as he was a bit scared for his upstairs neighbor. Being the curious man he is, he wanted to know what was wrong, just so he could help.

He didn't like when he couldn't help people.

It wasnt until a couple days later,  that he heard it again, this time it was a loud thump... so steve, being the curious man he is headed back upstairs, knocking in the door a bit softer,  he heard a man yell before it creaked open.

There stood the same little dude with a bruise under his eye, he smiles weakly at steve, trying to play it off as if he didn't just get smacked... Steve could see the fresh outline of a hand print.

"Oh fuck no." He growls grabbing the man's hand and pulling him out into the hallway, the man came with no resistance. As he kinda just stumbled behind Steve.

The door flew open wider and there stood a tall black hair man with a mean look, "where the fuck do you think you're going Tony?!" He growled and Tony let out a sigh as he tried to get back around Steve.

But Steve wasn't gonna let that happen, "he's going home with me you physco!" He snaps back and Tony goes to protest but the man beats him to it. "I think the fuck not!" He yells as he trys to reach around and grab Tony.

Steve stoped him by grabbing his wrist, twisting it a certain way so it wasn't broken, just felt like it was. The black haired man cried out and Steve snickered. "Your not gonna touch him again..." he says, following through with the assumptions he had made.

The man nodded and Steve let go of his hand. The man, Brock Steve guessed disappeared into the apartment.

Steve turned to face the man who jusy latched himself around his waist,  "thank you so much..." He says his face pressed agaisnt his chest, Steve smiled sadly and patted his back, "I knew it wasn't the wind." He says and Tony pulls back.

"Why did you come check on me?" He croaks and Steve shrugs, "I'm a very curious man."


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