It was never him

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Summary- when Steve ended it, it was over for good. Even when he realised he needed Tony, tony realised he didnt need Steve.

This is an alternative ending to "Be alright" for joyceeewritessss11


When Steve left tony he felt free, he felt like a bird with brand new wings. Being back with Bucky like old times was one of the best feelings in the world. It was like he was back in the 40s.

Bucky remembered him of course, he was his Steve he would never forget him. But there were a few gaps in his memory, he was like a broken record, but the parts he did remember were like music to Steve's ears.

He remembered the fights he saved Steve from, he remembered Steve's ma dying, and he remembered going on adventures with little Stevie.

He didn't remember leaving, he didn't remember Steve saving him, and he didn't remember Steve's whole laboratory experiment.

But he remeberd Steve.

Even tho Steve was bigger now, a piece of that small Brooklyn boy was still inside him. That smile still held the same brightness, and his eyes the same love and worry.

It was always like Steve to worry. He never didn't worry. There was always something to worry about.

With Tony it was, did be have enough to eat, did he sleep good, was anyone mean to him?

But with Bucky it was different.

Did he have a nightmare? If so about what? Was it steve? Was Bucky thinking about leaving? Was he scared? Was he hurt? Was he okay?

All things to worry about.

But even with the worry in his eyes you could still see the love. He did love Bucky, Bucky was his bestfriend, the person he grew up trusting with everything. Bucky was his first crush, first kiss, first ya know.

But when Bucky died all Steve had was his new friend Tony.

Sure they had there ups and downs, there breakups and makeups if you will.

But Steve always returned to Tony. Because there was no denying that he loved that small, adorable, amazing man with all his heart.

(Sorry Tony stark is fucking fabulous)

So when Steve walked out the door he knew he'd be back. He knew Tony was somehow gonna be his again.

Even with Bucky all he could think about is his tony.

But with Tony the story was different, Tony was free and be wasn't about to be caged again. Steve was gone, which in the beginning it hurt, hell yeah it hurt. But a wound always heals after time.

For tony he was back to his old self after a week, after he finished feeling petty for himself he cleaned himself up and got right back Into the world.

Doing what he loved best, being a hero.

Tony was always fast at hiding his emotions. That's why when he seen Steve the day fury called everyone up for some type of evasion, he pushed away all the old feelings and went on about like nothing ever happend.

That was until Steve got him alone. Tony could tell by the look in Steve's eyes that he needed to say what was on his mind.

And he did.

"Tony i- look seeing you looking this- i don't know, ok after everything well it makes me worry." Steve tells the shorter man who was looking up at him with crossed arms.

Tony laughs dryly before scratching the scruff on his face.

"What am I not supposed to be ok?" The tone in his voice was one Steve had never heard. A tone tony had never once used with steve, hate maybe?

"Well yeah bu-"

"God Steve you sound like a jackass, let me fucking be happy for once!" Tony yells before brushing past Steve to walk out of the door, steve reaches out a grabs his wrist before pulling him back to him.

He looks at tony with a different type of expression he held before. It wasn't pity, it was more of a disappointed look.

"I want you to be happy I do, but I can tell your not. You are bottling up whatever it is inside and it's not good for you." Steve says gripping his wrist tighter when tony trys to pull away.

"You don't know shit." Tony tells him.

Steve is clueless to how tony feels, Tonys happy, he's been happy for awhile now and nothing can change that. Not even the worry that Steve still feels for him, but the love of the bitterness. None of it is gonna change the fact that Steve has his Bucky now.

Steve doesnt need tony like he thinks he does. He has a new person, he should be happy. 

But he's not.

And tony can't do shit about that, because no matter how much he begs Tony isn't gonna cave, Steve's old news, out if the picture. Tony has already found someone else, but Steve won't know about that.

"I know you Tony." Steve says harshly his grip tightening until Tony was sure it was gonna leave a bruise.

"Steve," tony says looking down at his wrist "Your hurting me." He says his voice cracking a small bit at the end.

"Shit, Tony I'm sorry i didn't realise." Steve says letting go and flipping Tonys arm over to inspect it.

Tony jerks away and makes his way to the door, and Steve doesn't stop him. He's hurt tony in more ways then one and the hell if he trys again. Tonys not gonna let him. He's not gonna let him destroy the only peices of his heart he has left.

It's not gonna happen.

Well that one was eh.

I hope you like it bb!

It's not very good but still, it's the thought that counts.

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