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Summary- idk what's up with me writing breakup story's but I'm just in the mood, so here's one (which I guess you could count as a part three) about Steve and Tonys breakup.

I've been listening to Nick Jonas' love songs so....

"Steve!" Tony screams raising up and reaching his arms out, trying to hold on to something that wasn't there. Something that hadn't been there for awhile.

So the nightmares should be gone right? He shouldn't keep having the recurring dream where he loses the only thing that matters  to him, over and over again. It's not fair. It's not right. He feels like the whole universe is against him.

He doesn't want Steve, he doesn't need Steve, but yet he can't get him out if his mind, during late nights where he's alone and can't sleep, Steve's there. Steve's always been there, a small peice of him broke off and tony kept it in the back of his mind, just out if reach.

He can't help wondering what Steve's doing when he can't sleep. Is he sleeping? Is he thinking about Tony?  Is he holding Bucky a little tighter?

Steve did all of those things.

When he missed Tony,  he would take it out on Bucky, not in a bad way. He would just hold him a little tighter, hug him a little longer and kiss him a little sweeter.

On some nights it was Bucky holding a trembling Steve who woke up from a nightmare. Bucky knew they were about Tony, even tho Steve told him they wernt.

Bucky knew for the fact Steve would be whimpering Tonys name and would be clutching his pillow so tightly that he thought it was gonna rip.

Bucky understood, steve lost something that ment alot to him. And Bucky couldn't stop feeling like it was his fault.

He was alive and he wasn't supposed to be, he wasn't supposed to be with Steve, he was ment to be dead. Deceased. Done for.

But he wasn't, and that part wasn't his fault, he knew he should have died. But he didn't and now here he is with a broken Steve and he didn't know how to put him back together.

Peices were missing, peices were replaced with new ones. He was rebuilt just to be destroyed again.

What he needed was to talk to Tony. He needed to tell him how he still felt, he wanted to hug him and kiss him and snuggle with him. Just like he used to.

But deep down he knew he couldn't do that.

Despite knowing he let his emotions take the better of him, he waited until Bucky went out with Sam, boy was he grateful for Sam. Once Bucky was gone he pulled out his phone, that ironically was a gift from tony.

"Here cap, catch up with the rest of us." Tony had said tossing the sleek phone at Steve. It took him 2 weeks and a lot of help from Peter just to figure out how to call someone.

He went to Tonys contact and hesitated slightly, before taking a deep calming breath and pressing the call button.

It rang, and rang...and rang, and then he picked up, answering with a confused,


"H-hey Tony." He was shaking and on the verge of tears, and he hasn't even told tony why he called.

"What's up rogers?" Tony asks almost bitterly, steve wanted to say he heard a hint of sympathy but who was he to kid.

"Uh- i, well I miss you Tony." Steve says with a small dry chuckle.

He knew he sounded like an idiot, it had been almost a month so he knew he shouldn't be thinking about Tony still but he couldn't help it.

"Ok." Tony says grimacing, but Steve couldn't see that.

He didn't wanna talk to steve, he wanted to get as much distance as he could away from him. He wasn't even gonna pick up the phone but the curiosity got the best of him.

"Tony, please..." Steve says quietly looking down at his trembling hand, he squeezes it into a fist and shuts his eyes tightly.

He sounded pathetic and he knew he did, but he didn't care, he had to tell Tony.

"Please what Steve? What do you want me to do say I miss you too, do you want me to beg to have you back, cry, scream? What do you want?" Tony all but yells through the phone, he was sitting on the edge of the bed gripping the glass of whiskey he had pour moments before Steve called.

"I want you," steve said with a single tear slipping down his cheek, he wipes it away before continuing. "But I can't have you, and when I lost all of you Tony I lost a part of me." Steve says wiping off a new tear. He wasn't making any sense, he knew that he just wanted to sound weak, so maybe just maybe Tony would cave.

"You can't just come to me and expect me to know how to put the puzzle back together! I'm not the one who broke it, idk where the peices go Steve, all I know is it doesn't fit together like it used to, so don't call me anymore and leave me alone, it's over, for good you have Bucky." Tony tells him his voice rising a tad before going quiet again, he sounded like he wanted to cry, and when he hung up he probably would.

"Ok, I'm sorry I'll leave you alone." Steve says  but Tony had already hung up. He didn't hear the apology.

All Steve could think about was how it was actually over for good. There was no going back.

The puzzle was missing to many peices to put back together. He had a new puzzle to build.

With Bucky.

He wasn't gonna tell Bucky he called Tony he didn't need to, he got what he wanted off his chest.

So when Bucky came home handing a small bag of leftovers to Steve, steve grabbed him and kissed his lips gently.

"I love you buck." He said kissing him again.

"I love you too?"

Idk why I made this one it's kinda ok i guess.

A couple people wanted a part three to the 'Be alright' one i did.

But I didn't really know how to make that so I just made this one and it's kinda a third part.


Luv u guyz!

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