minor mishap (superfamily)

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Summary- when Clint calls freaking out over peter, Tony and Steve rush to the hospital.

I know that's a very short summary but I can't make it longer without giving anything away.


No one, no one at all, no one in history has ever been as worried as Tony stark. No one has ever freaked out as bad as Tony stark, no one has almost had a mental break down, like Tony stark.

Tony stark, playboy, billionaire, genius. Father. Father of his beautiful bouncing baby boy Peter. Peter parker, small, young fragile peter.

When Clint called to tell Steve and Tony that Peter had to be rushed to the hospital do to a minor mishap, Steve answerd. Which was the luckiest thing for Clint 'cause believe me, if Clint would have told Tony the news, Tony would have done a lot more then freak out.

The conversation went a little like this...

*ring ring*

Steve slides out from under Tony, laying him gently back down on the couch, making sure not to wake him. He plants a small kiss on the sleeping man's forehead before walking over and answering the phone.

"Yello," Steve spoke before glancing at Toney because he heard him stir.

"Uhh hey Steve uhh kinda late huh. I uh I hope I didn't wake you-" clint, the person on the other line was interrupted by a very upset Peter yelling 'daddy' in the back ground.

From the sound if it Steve could tell  he was crying, he was either hurt or scared or both and Steve didn't like it.

And if Steve didn't like it, Tony was gonna hate it.

"What happened." Steve says sternly getting straight to the point.

He scratches his head and looks at Tony who had now began to sit up.

"Clint tell me what happened to peter!" Steve almost yells, he was trying to not get upset but he could hear peter in the back ground crying.

"Something happened to peter?" Tony asks tiredly walking up to Steve and wrapping his arms around the taller man's waist.

"H-he uh he may or may not have fell off the bed. But it's ok he just, we'll be bumped his head, and like he uh he well he he may have split his head open. But it's not bad I promise it just looks bad, the uh the ambulance is on the way." Clint finnaly says and Steve almost  crushes the phone from all the anger.

"Steve what's wrong?" Tony questions holding Steve tighter.

"We'll meet you at the hospital," he says before hanging up the phone. "Tony let's go Peters hurt." Is the only thing he says to tony, he doesn't explain what happend. He just tells him to come hoping he doesn't freak out....but he did.

Currently Steve sat on the couch holding Tony is his arms. Five minutes, five minutes they have been sat this way.

Tony was holding on to Steve's neck crying into his shoulder, Steve told him what happened and Tony immediately freaked out over it.

Steve could get he was worried but he was being very very very...very.....overprotective.


"Tony baby, we gotta go get him." Steve says trying to stand up. Tony making it hard with him being wrapped around him.

"What if he doesn't remember us?" Tony says before breaking out In another fit of tears and sobs.

"Honey he wants you, he was asking for you." Steve says smiling a small smile.

He used asking instead of screaming because if he would have told Tony that Peter was screaming, Tony would have a metal break down.

After another 30 mins they arrive at the hospital. With a heartbroken Tony who still had tear stains on his cheeks. And a Steve who was about to go insane from all the sadness Tony was emitting.

They walk in and Steve sits Tony down in the waiting room before going to check with the nurse at the window. He practically had to pry Tony away from him.

Tony had brought Peter a bag of stuff, it had a fresh pair of clothes, a juice box a little toy and Peters favorite blanket.

Tony deciding since he didn't have a Steve to hang onto cuddled into Pete's blanket. Almost crying because it smelt like peter.

"For God's sake tony," Steve said walking up to the sad man. "We can go see him now, clints back there with him." Steve tells Tony and Tony nods.

He reaches out his hand to grab Steve's, and Steve takes it. They walk back to the room the nurse said to go in. And before walking in Steve stops Tony, he wipes the tears from his eyes before giving him a kiss in the forehead and whispering an 'it's ok' in his ear. He then turns him towards the door and let's him walk in.

"Daddy!" Peter squeals instantly piping up when he sees his dad walk in the room.

"Peter are you ok?" Tony asks kneeling down beside the bed and gently putting his hand on Peters head to look at the damage.

Peter had a white bandage wrapped around his head. He had cut his forehead open because when he fell he hit the bedside table.

Clint told steve and Tony it was an accident. But what really happened was Clint let Peter jump on the bed.

He then soon realised, maybe five little monkeys was based on true events.

After the four year old hurt himself, all he wanted was his dad, and he finnaly got him. He wasn't expecting him to be freaking out he just wanted to see the smile on his dads face. When Tony was smiling Peter was smiling.

But now tonys sad, and Peter doenst like it.

"Daddy I'm ok I promise." Peter says reaching out to Tony just wanting to be hugged by his daddy.

Tony picks him up and hugs him tight.  Peter looks behind him and sees steve.  Steve smiles at him and Peter smiles back.

"Hey pete, you feeling beter?" Steve asks walking up to him and Tony, and shooting a glare at clint.

"I'm ok papa." Says Peter and Steve's eyes widen as Peter just called him papa.

"That's good pete." Says Steve in a small voice before hugging both Peter and Tony.

"Dad, can I come home with you?" Peter asks and Tony and Steve chuckle.

Clint sighs before speaking, "I'm sorry spook, maybe next time you won't hurt yourself. I gotta get home anyways...ill see you later alligator. " Clint says and Peter giggles.

"After while crockdile." Peter says and Clint laughs at Peter's attempt to say crocodile.

Steve smiles at Peter and Tony sniffles before handing Peter off to Steve so he can gather his things.

"I love you pete." Steve says looking at the young boy.

"I love you too papa." Peter says before giggling and hugging his papa.

He wasn't lying he did love his papa.

Papapapapapappapapapapapa....he called him papa. I made him call him papa but stilll.....cuteness overload.

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