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Summary- Steve meets a long lost friend, who could possibly be more. Tony becomes jealous and after a long time of taking it, and ignoring it he finnaly confronts Steve.

Warnings- language, minor suicidal thoughts.

(Bucky isn't bad in this, and I know. If you read my description it basically says I don't like bucky. BUT this is for my friend, tottaly.)

It is captain America and iron man.

This ones gonna be kinda long.


"Mr. stark?" Asks one of Tonys many assistants, though he doesn't like to think of them as assistants. He thinks of them more as friends who he pays to do stuff for him.

Tony looks at the young girl with dark brown hair and a pair of black plastic glasses. Tony has to stop him self from asking if they were real or just for decoration. They did make her look a bit tacky, like she was trying to hard to look smart. He flashes his fake smile before he gives her a small nod, letting her know it's ok to continue.

"Mr. Rogers is at the door-" she begins but gets interrupted by Tony before she's able to continue.

"Well tell him to come in." Tony says instantly lighting up when he hears his boyfriends name.

Steve Rogers. Rolls of the tounge perfectly, or well that's what Tony thinks. Sometimes when he's lonely and Steve's off on a business trip, Tony sits in his bed and says over and over again.

'Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers'

It's a lovely name really.

"Um sir he has a friend with him, names james barnes, goes by the name bucky." Says the assistant being very clever and careful with her choice of words. She knows how protective of Steve, Tony can be.

"Well send them up, any friend of Steve's is a friend of mine." Tony says his smile never dissipating once.

"Sure thing sir" says the assistant before walking out of the big doors that leads to the hallway.

Tony watches as the doors close fast at first but soon catching them self and shutting with a small click. He sits and thinks, wonders who Bucky is. He's never heard Steve talk about Bucky. No wait scratch that, this one time he remembers someone brought Bucky up in a conversation, but Steve quicky changed the subject. Tony noticed the look of sadness in Steve's eyes when the name was mentioned but he didn't think much of it.

So who is bucky? And ex maybe. A colleague, how would he have colleague without Tony and the others knowing. Becky or Bertha, said it was a friend, but which friend. Steve didn't have any friends that Tony didn't know about. So who is Bucky?

Tony question was soon answered when Steve walked into the room, Pushing a black haired man away from him before laughing hysterically at the man's face. The man acted like he had been shot before dropping to his knees infront of steve acting as if he was dying. Steve goes to help him but the man grabs his legs and makes him fall on the ground before jumping up and laughing at him.

Tony clears his throat loud enough to get their attention and Steve jumps up in a panic looking at Tony before bowing his head.

"Sorry." he mumbles like a little kid and the man beside him chuckles at Steve's childishness.

"I didn't say anything, who's your friend." Tony says walking up to Steve before standing on his tip toes and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles at Steve but he doesn't smile back he just kinda shifts uncomfortably.

Tony glares at him and goes to ask him what's wrong but is interrupted by the man before he gets a chance to ask.

"My names bucky, Steve why didn't you tell me about this?" Bucky asks looking away from Tony and at Steve whose at this point looking down and fiddling with his fingers, like he always does when he's nervous.

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