The key to Success

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Summary: smut. Dom Steve, bratty Tony.
Steve had a bad day at work, and takes it out on Tony.

Enjoy, AnthonyJanthony13

This is smut! It had spanking, bratty behavior, and sex. Do not read if you are not into that!!!

I feel I need to add this for some people.


the key to success is waking up every morning on time.

the key to success, is making it to the office, doing whats assigned to do, and leaving with a smile.

the key to success was pulling the trigger when it needs to be pulled, leaving men behind when they need to be left, and sacrificing who needed to be sacrificed,

Sometimes it was hard, like today... Steve couldn't kill that man, not in front of his little boy. it wasn't right. Steve couldn't do that. of course that cost them the man, he got away and that was on Steve shoulders. he was sent back to the tower where he proceeded to get yelled at for a hour and a half, so it was safe to say he was pissed when he got home.

he entered his and Tonys floor, hoping to see his wonderful husband waiting for him. instead what he got was an empty apartment with tony nowhere in sight. "Anthony!?" he calls looking around. Tony wasn't in the bedroom, ot bathroom. Steve looked for him everywhere and had finally given up when Tony walked through the door.

"Hey'ya stevie!" Tony cheers as he ran over, "i was just with brucie, im sorry im late."

"its alright kitten," Steve sighs, he was just glad tony was there he smiles softly as he pulls Tony into a hug.

Tony hugged back of course, but he was quick to slip out of steves grasp so he could go over to the kitchen, "hey Steve, guess what i made?" Tony asks as he grabbed a cookie from the jar. "cmon guess!"

"a new-"

"Thats right a new suit!" Tony says cutting Steve off intentionally, "you'll love it."

"Cool." Steve says crossing his arms. "have you had dinner yet?" he asks changing the subject, not wanting to get to fired up.

"yeah," Tony lies, and he did that thing where he looked at the ground before looking at Steve, and Steve knew he was lying.

"Anthony, you need to eat," Steve says with a hard glare, this made Tony pout.

"but im not hungry..."


He was cut off by Tony sticking his tounge out somthing he knew Steve hated, Steve had already had a bad day and now Tony was being a brat. "alright thats it." he growls and stands up, reaching for his belt buckle he glared at Tony, "hands and knees, now." he commands.

Tony swallows, "but sir-"

"now!" Steve was the one to interupt this time, making Tony nod and drop to his hands and knees, "how many?"

Tony didnt answer at first he just hung his head, he knew he was being a brat, but he didnt think Steve was that easy to piss off right now. "10." Tony decides on, knowing the game Steve was playing. "10 sir."

"color?" Steve asks as his belt was stripped from his waist.


with that Steve got on his knees beside Tony and folded his belt in half, the first strike wasnt hard, just a warning shot, Tony whispered out a "one..."

the second was harder and so was the third, Tony counted each one. by the time Steve hit 10, Tony was hissing barely managing to say the number, but he did of course.

''good boy,'' Steve praised rubbing his hand over Tonys butt. he had left his pants on, so he knew it wasnt as bad as Tony was playing it out to be, his Sub was just trying to get those sympathy points. "now what do you say?"

"thank you sir." Tony says after clearing his throat.

"good, now lets eat some dinner and we can cuddle on the couch."


Steve sat the table, he made then a simple meal of burgers and homemade onion rings, Tony was still sulking a little but he sat with Steve.

"eat your burger," Steve says motioning to the sandwich, he sighed when Tony shook his head, "Anthony..." he warns but Tony till refuses.

"Tony eat your food." he tries again sitting up straighter in his seat.

Now Tony was more then aware that his next move would cause him to get punished, he wouldnt blame steve if he made him kneel in the corner for hours, or spank him till he was bruised, he knew he shouldnt do it, but he did anyways. he picked his burger up, took a bite and proceeded to spit it in steves face.

time seemed to slow down as steves face darkened and Tony bolted from the table, heading straight for the bedroom so he could lock himself in there.

Steve caught him in the living room, "I'm sorry!! i'm sorry!! i'm sorry!!" he apoligizes immediatly cowering in steves arms.

Steve was breathing heavily, his breath hot on Tonys neck, "you are going to pay for that." he growls, and takes Tonys arm in his hand pulling him to the bedrom, "25, bend over the bed, and dont you dare move,"

"25..." Tony murmers to himself, right after 10, he was fucked...

he did what he was told and bent over the bed cursing himself but also praising himself because he loved this side of steve.

Steve was gone for a few minutes, retrieving his belt from the kitchen, when he came back he tsked, throwing his belt on the bed he walked around Tony he yanked his pants down exposing his bare ass, this made Tonys breath pick up. "sir..." he whimpers, he knew it was going to hurt so he tried to play the pity card.

"color?" Steve asks and tony immediatly answered "green"

so Steve didnt listen to anything else, he spanked Tony those 25 times and Tony took it like the champ he was, even if he was crying at the end, "green, green, geen..." he babbled as steve finsihed pulling his pants off his legs, "fuck me Stevie."

Steve shouldnt have, he should of eft him there to clean up but he couldnt resist, he tore his own clothes off and slicked his cock up, fucking Tony from behind, his hips slapping  against Tonys sore ass.

Tony was a moaing mess, his hole clenching around Steve, "Fuck stevie, i missed you." he moans, pushing back into Steve.

Steve said nothing as he pounded into his husband, breathing heavily untill he came with a moan, painting Tonys insides.

the key to success was pissing your dom off enough until he finally fucked the daylights out of you.

sup losers

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