He's Mine

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Summary- Steve and Tony are in highschool, Steve is a jock and Tony is a nerd but somehow someway they find each other.

Warnings-fluff, minor fighting. Idk at this point.

Steve and Tony are teenagers.

Steve was sitting at the lunch table with his friends, clint, Natasha, Sam and Bucky . They were talking about how Bucky got caught with summer in the janitors closet when they hear a yelp and a crash.

They all look to where the noise came from, their heads turning in sync perfectly, they come to find its the new kid. His names Toby or Tony, something like that, his plate of foods on the floor in front of him and the school bully Bruce has him by the back if the shirt collar. He's shaking him and yelling something at his face.

"God would you Look at Bruce, beating up the new kid" Natasha says taking a sip of her coke zero that she bought from the cafeteria.

"That's Bruce for you, always picking on the weak." Clint adds nudging Steve in the shoulder.

Steve doesn't do anything tho he's to focused on Bruce and the new kid. Bruce had taken the kids glasses and wouldn't give them back, and everytime the kid would try to get them he would push him down.

Steve had, had enough on the third push. He got up and began walking towards where Bruce and the new kid were. He walks up behind Bruce and grabs the kids glasses, him and his 6'2 frame it wasn't hard.

Bruce looks at him confused then with pure rage, as the bully did have anger issues.

"What do you think your doing Rogers? Give them back." Bruce all but yells at Steve.

Steve just acts like he has to wipe spit of his face before handing the glasses to the kid. He loved getting in Bruce's nerves for the fact that it was do easy.

"Done." Steve says before smiling at the kid. The kid just looks at him terrified.

"Not to him dipshit, to me!" Bruce yells and Steve chuckles.

"But you don't need glasses, so why take something you don't need. Unless you secretly do need them and that's why your always running into stuff, or it could be because your brain isn't big enough to calculate depth perception." Steve says finding humor from the look of Bruce's face.

"Take that back Rogers, before I make you." Bruce says looking like a five year old with his lip stuck out.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, if your gonna pick on someone at least make sure they can handle it." Steve says sending an apologetic look towards the kid.

The kid wasn't even looking at him he was looking at the ground rocking back and forth. He was nervous, he was the new kid and some jock was saving his ass, he had every reason to be nervous. Seeing that the jock who was saving him was all but handsome. He had perfect golden blonde hair and beautiful blue eye's, that looked almost electrifying.

The kid new that the jock "Rogers" as Bruce called him, was way our if his leauge. After all the kid was a major nerd and had all the aspects and physical features your typical nerd eould have. He had shaggy dark brown hair, and black thick rimmed plastic glassess. He was skinny but not fit. He was just small in general.

"Forget you Rogers." Bruce says and Steve smiles his breathtakingly gorgeous smile.

"Shouldn't be to hard with that small brain of yours." Steve says and he hears the kid chuckle.

He looks at him and he catches him looking back, but as soon as he smiles at him he looks away. Steve could almost see a small blush on the boys face.

Be Mine (stony one shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें