Break on me

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Summary- Tonys not in a very good place, Steve tries his best to help, but sometimes you just have to cry it out.

Warnings- self-hate, cussing, idrk.

Ok Imma do it, Imma do one where it's a song because I've had this fucking song stuck in my head for for knows how long. So if you don't like. kieth urban then thank you and I love you, but this is one of his songs I do enjoy, amd i hope you do to.
Tony never cried.

Tony never let anyone see him cry, he hates being weak in front of people, he hated being the most vulnerable at times. When pepper left him, he didn't cry until everyone was gone. He didn't wanna seem weak, he's Tony stark, he's supposed to be the invincible iron man. He's not supposed to cry.

No one knew he broke down that night, no one knew he stayed up all night, crying untill he couldn't breathe. Shaking uncontrollably sobing until his cheeks were sticky and dry with tears, until his pillowcase was soaked up like a sponge.

No one knew, except Steve. Steve stayed behind after everyone had left. Tony knew of course but Steve slept in the living room, he just wanted to be there for Tony. He wanted him to know that no matter what state Tony was in he would never leave him.

He could hear Tony sobbing, almost screaming peppers name, asking why he wasn't good enough; wondering what he did wrong. It broke Steve's heart, it physically pained him to hear Tony break down like that. It took everything in his power to not run into the room and wrap Tony up and squeeze him, reassuring him that he would always be enough and that pepper was crazy for breaking his heart.

But he couldn't do that, not only because Tony was a very fragile person-not that anyone knew- but because he was in so much pain, that Steve was a afraid he would turn on him. Making Steve look like the bad guy for staying behind. He was afraid that Tony would yell and scream at him, changing all the anger be had at pepper and forcing it on steve.

Steve knew it was no use going in there, Tony didn't want him there and he knew that. Well he figured that. Tony never told him that, Tony hardly ever told him anything.

What Steve didn't know-untill later that night- is that Tony wanted him in there, he needed him in there. He was hurting and steve could make it beter. Steve didn't know it, but he could.

The way Tony felt was indescribable, he hated himself, he hated anyone who didn't understand, he hated the world at the moment. The person he was in love with left him like an abandoned puppy, left him alone without as much as a simple note. Tony felt abandoned, Tony felt like and idiot for pouring so much time and money into a person, who didn't even love him.

Steve stayed up all night, for different reasons then Tony, he stayed up, just knowing that Tony was awake, and if Tony didn't get any sleep then Steve didn't deserve any either. The only other reason he stayed awake is because he could hear Tony sobbing in the other room. (The walls are very thin in the compound.) He could hear every shaky breath that Tony took in. he could picture the smaller man's face, twisted up into a pained expression.

Steve had just turned over when he heard Tony call his name. He thought he was dreaming at first, but Tony called his name again, sounding like he was hurt even more that Steve didn't answer the first time. And he was, he thought Steve had left him too.

Once He called again, his voice coming out strained and hoarse, Steve immediately jumped to his feet and rushed to Tonys room.

The person He saw wasn't the same person he was used to seeing. Tonys eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks tear stained and hair a mess. He just looked like a broken hearted boy.

Steve looked at him with a sympathetic look which was more of a look of pity. If Tony could tell he didn't say anything, he just looked at Steve with a quivering lip.

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