I can do this all day

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Summary: Steve and Tony are walking down the street, minding there own business. Then these men come out of nowhere, making in of them for being gay. Tony tries to fight the men but ends up getting beat up, Steve being the protective husband he is he jumps in only to get his ass kicked too.

Warning- character death, gay slurs, fighting.

Steve's pov

"Let's go for a walk, it's nice out." Tony says walking into the living room and throwing me my coat.

It sounded more like a demand then Anything, I just laugh and grabed my coat and I follow him out the door. Having to jog to catch up with him.

He's been waiting for it to be nice out so we can go on a walk, it has been raining for three days straight. But this morning when we woke up it was sunny and the streets were dry, like someone stuck a big sponge in the middle of the city.

I catch up to him and I grab his hand making sure he doesn't run off again. I link our fingers together and he looks at me with a dopey smile on his face. I lean in to kiss him but the elevator dings startling me, I look over and a old man steps off giving us a dirty look.

Fight me old man.

"Judgemental much." Tony says quietly stepping into the elevator with me. Letting go of my Hand in the process.

He hates when we get those looks, it makes him feel bad it makes him feel ashamed. He hates when people think what we're doing is wrong, it makes him feel it is. I don't care what they say or how they look at us, I love him and he loves me and that's all that matters. I just wish people would keep what they think to themselves.

We ride down in the elevator and I link my arm with his. i know hes giving me the look he always does when someone says something. But im not gonna let people stop me from showing my love amd affection for him. We step off when we get to the lobby, and it seems like everyone turns to look at us.

Tony squirms uncomfortably under there gazes and I just give everyone my biggest smile. Let them think what they want.

"Steve let go of me people are staring." Says the younger man beside me. He pulls away but I grab his shoulders.

"Let them think what they want dollface, your mine and I'm yours. We don't belong to the public, they can't control what we do or how we feel." I say softly looking into his eyes.

I see the worry in them. The look of embarrassment. He's embarrassed to be with me out in public, he's trying his best not to let it show but I know him.

"Don't be embarrassed of me, please" I say looking deep into his eyes.

He looks right back at me with his dopey smile. He reaches up and grabs my neck bringing me closer to him.

"PDA makes people uncomfortable." He says before giving me a light kiss.

"That it does, come on let's go on that walk." I say before grabbing his hand again and walking out of the door with him by my side. Passing all the people who are staring in disgust smiling at Them just like I would anyone.

I don't see you differently, don't see me differently...

we start walking down the street hand in hand. Talking about this and that, little things that no one would care to hear but we still listen anyways. Everything's going wonderful, untill a certain word is thrown our way from some guys standing with their backs against the wall.

"Faggots!" Calls one man pushing himself off the wall. I feel Tony tense next to me pulling me closer to him.

I don't glance back I continue walking, ignoring them. I don't want to get in a fight about this, not today not anyday. It's already been one of those days, everyone's been throwing us looks. But there's always that one person who has to comment.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" Says the same man walking faster to catch up to me and Tony.

"Steve..." Tony whispers and I look down at him. His dopey Is gone and his face shows nothing but fear.

"It's ok doll." I sat and I hear one of the men snicker.

"Did you hear that, doll. They even have nicknames for each other. Freaks." One man comments and that's enough to set Tony off.

Although being small, he still tries his best to intimidate people. Me, being the one who intimidates them the most; with my size compared to Tony people usually don't mess with us. Knowing I won't hesitate to knock some teeth out of they so happen to try and touch Tony.

But as I glance over my shoulder, I see the size of the three guys and I would rather just keep walking. But Tony being Tony has to say something.

"We did nothing to bother you, leave us alone." He says quietly but loud enough for then to hear it.

"Excuse me? This" says the man pointing between us, "this bothers me."

"Steve..." Tony says and I grab him before he lunges and the man.

"Let me go!" He yells slipping, out of my grip and running up to the man punching him across the face.

Before I can stop them the other two are jumping on him. Punching him in any place they can. I immediately jump in pulling the smallest guy away from him and punching him across the face; a solid hit knocks him on the ground clutching his face.

"Tony!" I yell as I see him being pulled into the alley and then thrown on the ground causing a loud thud to come after. He's curled up in a ball holding onto his head with both hands. And by the shaky breaths that are coming out of him I know he's sobbing.

I go after him and about the time i go to grab him, a hit to the gut stops me. I catch my breath in time to catch another blow to the face. I stumble to the ground but I'm not done yet.

They even have the decency to ask.

"Had enough yet?" Says one man spitting nothing but venom at me. (Tater tots and Chocolate)

"I can do this all day." I say standing up and grabbing the closet man to me before I'm punched in the back of the head sending me back to the ground.

"Steve!" I hear a muffled scream coming from Tony. In the corner of my eye I see him stand up and run towards the man closest to him.

"You son of a bitch I'll fucking kill you, don't touch him."

Before I can comprehend what he's yelling about. Dont touch me? I'm on the ground face down and I feel something cold pressed against the back of my head.

"Fuck." I mutter not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Tell your boyfriend bye, freak." Say the man behind me and before I can figure out which one of us he's talking to, I see Tony run in my direction.

"Don't touch hi-"


The sound of a gunshot rings through the alley. All three men scramble to their feet and begin running away. Before I can process what has happened I hear Tony choke on a sob. I scramble to my feet much like the men did and I run to his side.

I roll him over to see him holding his chest. Blood pouring out of the wound coating his hands in a thick layer of blood. He looks at me with pleading eyes, almost likes he's hoping I can take the pain away.

I fumble to take my phone out and I call 911, still in to much shock to even speak to Tony. The 911 operator comes on and asks me the usual questions.

"My boyfriends been shot, in the alley beside the polar chicken, the Chinese place on queens strech. He's bleeding really bad I need help." I say calmly, knowing if I dream out ittl only cause Tony to freak out.

"Can you tell me how it happens sir, the ambulance is on the way." She says and I look at the wound on his chest.

"I love you tony." I say and he smiles his dopey smile before closing his eyes.

"Sir can you tell me-" I cut the phone off throwing it on the ground.

"Tony? Tony open your eyes. Your ok, your ok I promise. I love you so much, don't leave me." I say shaking him slightly but he stays still I watch is torso, begging for it to rise again, pleading, hoping. It doesn't.

He's gone.

Big sad or at least I hope it was a big sad.

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