Someone you Loved

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Summary- another lewis capaldi song. Its a part two to bruises.


1 year

1 year later... and what was Tony doing?

You can probably guess... something he shouldn't be doing.

Tony was sitting at his desk, the homework lamp dimly lit the room. It was around midnight, he hadn't slept, and had been sitting in that spot for what was hours now.

He was staring down at a piece of paper. His finger gently guided along the edge, as his other hand traced the letters.

Steven Grant Rogers

A fond smile crossed his lips when he read the name, steves name, his stevie.

Yeah, it was kinda selfish sending Tony a wedding invitation. It was buckys idea, he figured Tony would want to see steve again before they moved to San Francisco.

He wasn't trying to cause any pain, he figured he had done that enough, but steve insisted on inviting everyone but tony, and bucky could be a dick but he wasnt gonna just not invite him. Tony deserved to be there as much as the rest of them, and bucky didn't care that he was the only one who thought so.

People told him... it wasn't a good idea.

That little peice of paper, that came in a silver lined decorated envelope, caused Tony to be sat in the same place... thinking the same thing over and over again.

"Stevies getting married."

And it wasn't to Tony.

Tony couldn't blame him, he belived Steve loved him. He believed him the whole time they were together. I mean... steve told him enough.

He defiantly showed him enough...

Even though... he was gonna be marrying his best friend right in front of him. Even though it ment, going was the last time he would see steve. The last time he would... talk to him, look at him, associate in any form with him.

He decided to go. He knew be would regret it if he didn't... after all Steve is still his friend.

And Bucky did invite him.


So the day came...

Tony was sitting in his room on his bed, with Natasha in the closet. Tony was holding up two ties in front of him. While natahsa was trying to find shoes.

They already had the suit picked out.

They were told, Bucky was wearing a grey suit, with a red tie, and steve was wearing a navy clue suit, with a white tie.

Tony decided to go with a dark grey suit. He was trying to find a tie that would match something.

Steve was a sucker for matching things.

"Got it!" Nat exclaims, startling Tony in the process. She skips out of the closet presenting a pair of navy blue shoes... classic.

Tony shook his head, "No." He states for the millionth time, causing Natasha to let out a annoyed huff.

"Tony! Pick something we're gonna be late." She growls tossing the shoes in front of his feet. "These and the blue tie." She says grabbing the tie and throwing it at him.

It lands in his head, and he angrily yanks it off.  "Fine!" He growls pulling the tie over his head. He hurriedly slips his shoes on, and jogs to the mirror making sure his hair was fixed good.

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