Please Come Home

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I was watching ER with my mom and there was this episode where Abby and lukas kid got hurt, and lukas out of town, and it made me wanna write this. This is gonna be hella long too.

No powers.


"Ill call you when I get there."

Steve said his farewells to his husband, and his 3 year old son. Tony smiled as he rubbed Peter's back who was currently asleep on his hip. It had been a long ride to the airport and the toddler was just plain wore out.

He slept peacefully on Tony's hip, his head resting on his fathers shoulder. A little twitch from his lips was all Steve received when he kissed his forehead. He then pressed a sweet kiss to his husbands lips and headed into the airport.

Tony took a deep breath.

He could do this. Even if it was the first time he's had to be alone with his three year old child for longer then a weekend. A month wasn't that long anyways... Steve wouldn't be missing much.

Tony didn't want him to go on this stupid business trip... It was stupid anyways. Just because Steve was trying to get a promotion, didn't mean be had to be with the company he worked for all the time. It was super dumb and Tony was not happy about it. Nope. Nada.

He already missed Steve and the man was still in his sight. Walking towards where the crap he had to go. Tony didn't listen, he was to caught up on his own head.

How was he supposed to take care of a three year old, all by himself. He couldn't go to his parents because they didn't even support him. He couldn't go to Steve's parents because they were dead. So he was stuck... But he could do this. He was a good dad.

Kissing Peter's cheek, he waved at Steve and walked out of the airport. "Alright sweetcheeks, lets get you home." he whispers placing his son down in his custom made carseat. He then climbed into the drivers seat and started their 3 hour journey back home.

Of course, about a hour in, Peter woke up fussing, the poor kid hated car rides. Tony sighed, he figured he had exhausted himself from all the crying he had done on his way to the airport.

Tony figured he could get about hour at least of peacefulness. Which he did, the kid has a good sense of time because it was exactly an hour in when he started fussing for his Papa.

That's right, his Papa, the same papa that was on his was to Chicago, almost 800 miles away. The same Papa that wouldn't be back for another 29 days.

"Papaaa, pa pa!"

Peaking up in the rearview mirror, Tony saw the tears on his distraught child's face. Peter was usually a calm kid, when his Papa was around. It was just in Steve's nature to he able to calm him down if he was upset. Steve was so good with kids, he was the best father.

Tony, he tried... he never wanted kids, and Peter had been a happy accident. Neither man was prepared for the little rascall, but things happened and here they are.

Steve on his way to get a promotion for the job he uses to support Tony and Peter, and Tony on the way home to his run down apartment, the one his parents labeled as a health hazard.

Just because it had a couple tools laying around, and a few unfinished and non successful projects scattered about, doesn't mean it's a health hazard. Plus he couldn't take him back to Steve's apartment, It would make him miss the dude to much.

"Pa-pahh!" Peter cried out louder then last time, being woken up from the sound of a semi passing on the freeway, one it freaked him out, and two it really freaked him out.

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