hey guys...

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I know none of you care... but im gonna take a break for a couple of days... possibly weeks.

Sorry if you read my book and enjoy it, after the last chapter ive decided to take a break...

I want to thank all of you who has read my dumb stories... it means a lot.

Im a sucky writer so it really does mean a lot that people actually enjoy my shit stories.

So im gonna take some time and really work on some chapters. So it may be a while. I also wanna take a couple of days, where i don't have to think about ideas.

I just need some me time ya know?

Im always worrying about making my stories good, because i don't wanna disappoint anyone. And if they're not perfect i freak out.

And a lot of them suck....

So im gonna take a break... even tho you probably don't care😂😂

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