Ten Thousand Hours

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Tehe, i love Dan and shay, shoot me.

No I'm serious shoot me, I kinda wanna die after enjoying a Beiber song...

Steve sings to Tony...

I promise a big updates coming... For my stucky book... Its just taking me a few...


Tony was sitting at the dining room table, enjoying a cup of coffee and the daily paper. Clearing his throat he flipped the page, only to hear his boyfriend let out a frustrated grunt as he plucked an incorrect string on his new guitar.

"Patience babe!" Tony calls taking another sip of his steamy cup of Joe. Instead of responding Steve started the song over, humming the words as he plucked the strings.

By the end of every self taught session, Steve's fingers were sore to the touch, and blistered... Although he didn't really care, they didn't hurt that bad. Tony thought different and would scold him with every kiss pressed to the sore fingers.

He had reminded Steve plenty of times, "you don't need to work to hard, that Barnes kid has done this for years."

See Steve was trying to enter a competition, to win a new, better guitar, well that's what Tony believed, little did he know Steve was practicing to sing his proposal.

Something he knew Tony had dreamed of having done, he talked about it constantly, the perfect proposal in the park, in front of everyone... With a perfect song.

Steve was going to makes it happen, because he knew from the day he met the brown eyed man That he was going to marry him.

He had been practicing day and night, a self taught song, which Tony didn't know about either, nor did he know Steve was actually writing the lyrics too. It had been three weeks, and he had finally got the chorus ready...

Yeah that's pretty long, but Steve was also learning guitar, so It was taking time, but it was worth it. Self taught lessons from youtube, meant he would have enough money for a ring of instead of spending it on stupid guitar lessons.

He was working hard, really hard, and Tony would be so proud. He couldn't wait to see his beautiful boyfriends face light up when he saw the setup he had in mind.

Steve smiled to himself as he plucked at the strings, the only thing motivating  him being Tony.


Two weeks later and he was finally ready, he had woken up hours before Tony, left a note saying he had left and to meet him at the park at 12 o'clock sharp.

Upon Tony's awakening, he completely freaked out with Steve not being around. He wasn't used, to waking up next to emptiness. After he got over his almost heart attack, he got up and got dressed.

Black skinny jeans, converses and a black Sabbath tee, he headed out to find his darling dear boyfriend who was going to get a good reaming.

A angry glare on his face he headed to the kitchen first, bypassing the empty guitar stand, which he of course didn't notice... He walked in, his heart dropping at the piece of paper that was taped to a jacket.

With shakey hands he picked it up... This was it Steve had finally had enough...

Meet me n park at 12, wear this its cold
            Love Stevie.

Tony took a deep breath, as his heart floated from his stomach and took its normal spot, he slipped on Steve's hoodie, which seemed to be sprayed with and excessive about of Steve's cologne... Just how Tony loved.

It was already 11:30, don't judge him he was up late, he quickly grabbed shoes and fixed his messy hoodie hair. He picked up his keys and headed to the car, which he noticed had a note also

Walk it not far,

Sighing, because he frickin' hated walking any distance that wasn't to the fridge he started making his journey. It was cold and he was glad he had steves hoodie, that smelt flipping Great with a capital 'g'.

Shivering he finally made it to the park, and was absolutely confused when he saw his friend Sam waiting for him, before the Man could talk tony was already bombarding him with questions.

"Where's Steve? Its cold.... Does he have his jacket? Is he okay?"

Sam quirked a brow and placed a hand on his shoulder, "chill, and follow me." he says firmly, leaving no room for argument. Tony was already chill, he was freaking freezing!

Tony swallowed and nodded, burying himself deeper in Steve's hoodie. He wasn't really paying attention, until he heard the faint sound of a guitar. Finally looking up from the ground, he caught his boyfriends gaze.

Steve was dressed up in his best clothes, a dark grey button down along with jeans and his cowboy boots. He was on a stool in front of the fountain and was picking away and his guitar.

The song was familer...

Once he saw Tony was close enough, he started,

"Do you love the rain? Does it make you dance, when you're drunk with your friends at a party... What's your favorite song? Does it make you smile? Do you think of me?"

He sang soft but proud, his fingers never missing a cord. He saw Tonys eyes light up and he immediately knew right then all the pain was completely worth it.

"When you close your eyes tell me what are you dreamin'? Everything I wanna know it all..."

Smiling a bit at Tony's shocked expression, and the weird look from the people around him, he got to the chorus.

"I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more, oh if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours... And I might never get there but I'm gonna try, if it's ten thousand hours..."

Standing he placed the guitar down, and reached into his pocket pulling out the black velvet box that he had spent most of his savings on (again Worth It!) he got down on one knee, "or the rest of my life."

He held it out in front of a already crying Tony, "I'm gonna love you..." he finished opening the box, to reveal a black and gold engagement ring, engraved with the words, "ten thousand".

"Tony will you-"

Steve didn't even get to finish because Tony was crushing his lips against his, muttering and mumbling, "yes! Yes! Yes!" against this lips.

Steve chuckled and hugged him tightly, kissing the sides of his head he pulled back, "well try it on..." he says grabbing the ring, Tony held his hand out, which was shaking a bit. Steve slipped the ring on and of course it fit perfectly.

"I love you Stevie." he whispers, kissing him once more.

"I love you too."

Longer then two weeks I believe, long time no see...

Look out for a stucky update, its gonna be a long one.


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